MovieChat Forums > Making a Murderer (2015) Discussion > Both Dassey and Avery planned Teresa's m...

Both Dassey and Avery planned Teresa's murder?

Does anyone know what to make about Dassey confessing that he and Avery had planned the murder a few days in advance? I must have missed this bit.(The confession was around four hours long after all)
I'm gonna have to go over it again (which I don't relish doing) but if this is true, then I don't care if he's 16 or how shy he is, let him rot for 41 years and consider himself lucky he has a shot of parole.

POLICE: Why did you go over there? You had this stuff planned out already, didn't you? You and Steve had this planned? Yeah? Yes or no?


POLICE: OK and when did you plan it?

DASSEY: For a few days.

POLICE: OK. And what did you have planned? Tell me what you had planned. Come on. Brendan did you have this planned? Yes or no?


POLICE: Who did you plan it with?

DASSEY: Steven.


DASSEY: A few days before it happened.

POLICE: OK, and what did you have planned to do? (pause) The details are easy, come on, you've already given me that you were involved in it, so just go on with the details, paint the picture for me. Obviously I know already, I know a bunch of this already. I keep proving that to you. The details are easy, just tell me what you guys planned and what you did, no sweat.

DASSEY: That I had sex with her.

"Why did he pick Teresa?"

POLICE: Why did he pick Teresa?

DASSEY: Cuz she was comin' over that day.

POLICE: Did he tell you she was coming over? Did he tell you she was coming over?


POLICE: And what did he say he was going to do?

DASSEY: That he was gonna to kill her.

Can anyone give any clarification on this?
Thanks in advance for any opinions.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


I dont really buy it but then I'm watching this as a complete outsider.


I don't know what to make of it as personally, I always found it kinda odd that Dassey just happened to be delivering a letter that day but didn't think anything else of it, but then during his March 01 confession he claims he heard screams from Avery's home. He delivers the post and while he's knocking on the door he hears Teresa screaming and says Avery takes about five minutes to answer the door, while this creaming all the while is going on.
Who does that? Even if you were slow or had a low IQ you'd still know something was up. Wouldn't you run and call the police? Would you continue to knock on the door in order to deliver the post, like nothing was happening? Unless you weren't surprised to hear screaming as you and your uncle had already discussed it beforehand.

I'm not asserting this, just to clarify, but it seems I need to go over the confession again and it was harrowing enough the first time.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


POLICE: Why did you go over there? You had this stuff planned out already, didn't you? You and Steve had this planned? Yeah? Yes or no?


So the cop makes up a story and Dassey just agrees with whatever the cop says so he can go home and watch wrestling.

That's not a confession.

Blood of Thrones - proceeds to Action Cancer:


He asked a question. By definition it is a confession, but I dunno. I'm waryof given Dassey so much leeway that he can literally say anything and then be let of with he was just saying whatever because he is simple.


lol Reid technique in action:
" Come on Brendan, we know everything. We just need to hear it from you, to fill in the details. Do you want to help yourself?(I mean, do you want to help us?) " 

It's funny that he later says : " I don't wanna put words in your mouth " 

μηδὲν ἄγαν


He asks him "Yeah? Yes or No?"

I'm not sure how that is putting words in someone's mouth


Reid technique while controversial is permitted and used by many LE agencies in America.
Yeah and he doesn't actually put words in Dassey's mouth either- sure they ask leading and open ended questioned, but that's cuz they have evidence at this point so they need to ask open ended questions. It's why for example they tell Dassey to "paint the picture for me". He's leading Dassey to something which will hopefully line up with the evidence and Dassey's confession in its entirety lines up with a lot of the evidence and is supported by it, examples of which were covered on the board already.

The Reid Technique itself does not equate to coercion though.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


Cops made up a story about Teresa having a tattoo on her stomach and Dassey denied it and said he hadn't seen any tattoo, which indicates he's not as suggestible as some would make out.

It is a confession actually and one which was considered sufficient enough to convict him.
Besides, Avery had a 70 IQ, how come he wasn't "coerced" into confessing?

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


Cops made up a story about Teresa having a tattoo on her stomach and Dassey denied it and said he hadn't seen any tattoo, which indicates he's not as suggestible as some would make out.

Every time he said no, they told him "guess again" until he said what they wanted him to say.
If they wanted him to say "I didn't see a tattoo" they would have accepted that because it fit the narrative they were creating.
The real reason he didn't see the tattoo is because he never saw her.

It is a confession actually and one which was considered sufficient enough to convict him.

All this proves is the system is flawed.

Besides, Avery had a 70 IQ, how come he wasn't "coerced" into confessing?

He was a grown man who had learned first-hand that when a cop pretends he wants to help you, he is really preparing to stab you in the back.

Blood of Thrones - proceeds to Action Cancer:


Every time he said no, they told him "guess again" until he said what they wanted him to say.
If they wanted him to say "I didn't see a tattoo" they would have accepted that because it fit the narrative they were creating.
The real reason he didn't see the tattoo is because he never saw her.

No, that's how confessions are elicited. They come in waves and are coaxed often over several interviews and several days with inconsistency as the suspect doesn't always wish to give information away.
He said he didn't see it because she didn't have one and the cops mentioning it and him denying it are proof that he's not suggestible.
He claimed in his very first interview on Nov 06 that he saw Teresa and that she left, which the cops knew he was lying about.

Right so now it's not Dassey's low IQ which led to this "coercion" but his youth? Which is it? If it's his youth then how did he need a guardian present as Duffin seems to think, despite neither State nor Federal law requiring this?
And are you saying that people with 70 IQs like Avery can learn from experience and retain that info to help them in future experiences? How does that equate to mental impairments or intellectual deficits?

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


No, that's how confessions are elicited.

Confessions consist of volunteering information.
All they did was feed him info and then badger him until he agreed.

They come in waves and are coaxed often over several interviews and several days with inconsistency as the suspect doesn't always wish to give information away.

An innocent suspect has no info to give away.

He said he didn't see it because she didn't have one and the cops mentioning it and him denying it are proof that he's not suggestible.

If they had ordered him "tell the truth, we know you're lying" he would have soon insisted he saw the non-existent tattoo, just like he invented everything else using info they gave him.

He claimed in his very first interview on Nov 06 that he saw Teresa and that she left, which the cops knew he was lying about.

They just made him make up a story that fitted their narrative.

Right so now it's not Dassey's low IQ which led to this "coercion" but his youth? Which is it?

Both. IQ affects mental age. He looks 16 but was mentally about a 10-tear-old.

If it's his youth then how did he need a guardian present as Duffin seems to think, despite neither State nor Federal law requiring this?

All this loophole in US Law proves is that the cops are legally allowed to get away with terrible things.

And are you saying that people with 70 IQs like Avery can learn from experience and retain that info to help them in future experiences?

You can train a dog, can't you?

How does that equate to mental impairments or intellectual deficits?

The greater the impairment, the easier it is to train them.
Dassey was trained to tell the cops whatever they wanted to hear so he would be rewarded by getting let home to watch wrestling.
Avery was trained to mistrust cops after they jailed him for things he did not do.

Blood of Thrones - proceeds to Action Cancer:


Confessions are elicited, suspects very rarely walk into a police station and start confessing right off the bat. It's not unheard of but it certainly isn't the norm.
No, they never fed him the specific details he mentioned, so I'm dismissing that until you provide the verbatim quotes where they do feed him the specific details I mentioned earlier. If you can't then you don't have an argument for feeding him info.

So you admit that Dassey isn't innocent considering he gave plenty of info away which was supported by the evidence.

Dassey's IQ was assessed as being between 81 & 87 according to his own expert defence witness.

His intellectual functioning was assessed by means of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2 and the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence. On both tests, he received comparable IQ scores. On the WASI, Brendan obtained a Full Scale IQ of 81. On the KBIT-2, he received a Verbal IQ of 84, a Nonverbal IQ of 87, and a Composite of 83. Thus, according to Wechsler norms, Brendan’s IQ scores all fall within the “low average” range of intelligence.

Robert H. Gordon, Ph.D
"Low average" doesn't equate to mentally impaired so I'm dismissing this as well and you can't have it both ways. If Avery's
70 IQ doesn't lead to him being coerced into confessing then Dassey's 81-87 IQ isn't a mental deficit and wasn't a factor in this so-called "coercion"

It also proves that Duffin has no justification decreeing that Dassey required a responsible adult and it's not a loophole either, some kids are abused by their parents or guardians so adults not being required for minors is for pertinent reasons.

No, again you can't have it both ways. Avery never confessed and doesn't come across as mentally impaired at all and Dassey has a higher IQ and was able to withstand strenuous cross examination on the stand and proved resistant to suggestion.

No, you're simply asserting this with nothing to back it up, something you seem to have in common with Duffin btw. You're asserting that Dassey was "trained", back it up with something credible thanks. Otherwise it's just like your opinion man...

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


So you admit that Dassey isn't innocent considering he gave plenty of info away which was supported by the evidence.

They fed him the info, and the physical evidence is flimsy at best.

I've already provided you with the page number of the transcript, combined with a link to the exact precise page where the cops messed up their case.

The cops got away with their behaviour because the system is badly broken.

some kids are abused by their parents or guardians so adults not being required for minors is for pertinent reasons.

Some adults are abused by other adults. Does that mean that adults should also be denied the right to legal representation?

Avery never confessed because he was innocent and as a grown man he was not dumb enough to plead guilty to something he did not do.

Dassey was a child with a mental age of ten, he wanted to please the cops because he thought they wanted to blame it all on Avery and not on him.

Blood of Thrones - proceeds to Action Cancer:


They fed him the info, and the physical evidence is flimsy at best.
No they didn't you have provided no examples of them feeding him the details he mentions, if anything the page transcript you provided supports my point that his confession is supported by evidence. Physical evidence isn't flimsy at all, hence Avery doing life without.

I've already provided you with the page number of the transcript, combined with a link to the exact precise page where the cops messed up their case.

No you provided me with examples that support my point. Provide the examples of the details covered.

The cops got away with their behaviour because the system is badly broken.

Separate issue, nobody is arguing that an imperfect system can't do with reforms but as it stands the techniques used do not qualify as coercion and the cops behaved within the parameters of the law.

So no you haven't given me anything, you've simply made assertions, which I'm dismissing as you have nothing viable to support them other than a Federal Magistrate's highly dubious and highly provisional ruling which doesn't withstand scrutiny anyway.
So when yu can find these explicit examples which I've asked for oh, several times jow, then get back to me. Otherwise you don't have a viable argument here, sorry.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


WIEGERT: We know, we just need you to tell us.

DASSEY: That’s all I can remember.

WIEGERT: All right, I’m just gonna come out and ask you. Who shot her in the head?

Get it?

They sit a child down and pretty much tell him "we want you to tell us that Steven shot her in the head".

Up until that, he thought they wanted him to say that he stabbed her.

Blood of Thrones - proceeds to Action Cancer:


Already covered. You haven't shown where he asks about being shot twice in the left side of the head with a .22. Are these lucky guesses by Dassey, is that it? To go with his further lucky guesses re sweat and handcuffs and the tires and all the other things which he just seems to know?
Do you believe he took the info from Kiss the Girls?
Dassey was a minor, not a child.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!


So was the murder planned so that Steven could help his nephew lose his virginity?
