MovieChat Forums > American Gothic (2016) Discussion > Is that an original Jackson Pollock ?

Is that an original Jackson Pollock ?

or words to that effect, in keeping with the title and those of the episodes.

I think that there was another bit of artistic name-dropping earlier.

Too late to die Young


Yes, when the father said: "Did we order a live ... painting?" or something like that.


That's it. You got it. Well done

I remember now

"Honey did you order a live Norman Rockwell painting ?" was his remark when he opened the door to his daughter and her family.

Too late to die Young


It's tough to recognize an original Jackson Pollock, since all he did was throw paint against the canvas, which anyone can do.

Most overrated artist ever.


Too late to die Young


Maybe to the uninitiated or unobservant eye, but all one has to do is look at Pasiphae, or Mural to know that simply is not the case.



Maybe to the uninitiated or unobservant eye, but all one has to do is look at Pasiphae, or Mural to know that simply is not the case.

Your comment doesn't make sense, since if it was 'all you had to do' was look at those paintings, then the 'uninitiated or observant eyes' would see it too.

Just pretentious B.S.. Like a group of art critics standing around staring at a black dot on a white wall and telling each other what great art it is, and all of them too afraid to be criticized by claiming something different.


It makes perfect sense because if you looked at the 3 different paintings you'd see they all LOOK TOTALLY different with unique painting styles... so he's clearly not just throwing paint at a canvas!



Actually, the videos of him at work show that exactly - he is just throwing paint at a canvas. And pretentious 'art fans' claim it's more than that.

That's why there's so many paintings out there that people claim to be Pollocks. And it hard to prove them as fakes, because anyone can paint like Pollock. Anyone can throw paint on a canvas.

Here's a story about a monkey who fooled the art critics:

Here's what the critics said about this monkey:

"Brassau paints with powerful strokes, but also with clear determination. His brush strokes twist with furious fastidiousness. Pierre is an artist who performs with the delicacy of a ballet dancer."

Sounds similar to what you're saying about Pollock.


My sister's got a small watercolor framed on her wall that looks like small delicate little purple flowers in a grassy field... it's beautiful... her cat painted it... it doesn't make it any less beautiful.

