The Donald

Anyone else notice the quick shot of a photo of OJ with The Donald?


Yeah its really sad. Seeing OJ next to an american hero like trump makes his downfall all the more sad. He could hace helped making america great again. Instead hes rotting away in a jail cell. Really makes me th...... seriously though my trolling skills cant go further than that.


We all know if OJ weren't in jail and made a few slip up's, he'd likely be tapped for Secretary of Health & Human Services in this new administration. I can't think of anyone more qualified.



An "American hero"
Cheeto Mussolini, heil!


Did anyone else think after seeing that photo, that OJ has to be one of the only people who could possibly be a bigger narcissist than Trump?


Yeah, yawn. "The Donald" is going to destroy the stock market, US institutions, especially government (which Obama already shrank), and possibly the world. He's already erased any respect the US gained around the world because of Obama's diplomacy. NATO nations will never trust the US again. Bravo USA, bravo.


Yes, but making fun of The Donald is so fun and so easy. And, it seems to drive him (even more) nuts.

Also, it was humorous to see a picture of OJ with The Donald.


Stock market at record high since his election; companies pledging factories and jobs back in the USA; NATO members forced to pay what they agreed on rather than relying on America; illegals and Muslims stopped from getting in.....what's not to like?


Not sure. Maybe the economy will tank? Maybe the stock market will tank? Not a prediction, just a possibility.


He's enacted nothing but job killing OE's so far. You think after two weeks anything good that's happening in the US is your papa trump's doing? You have Obama to thank for that. Don't know why I'm speaking with anyone who wants to blanket ban all Muslims, though, you're total wasted energy.
