Not really about O.J

This only had 10 percent to do with O.J, the rest was how bad white people are and how African Americans are treated by them. They really should have made two different documentaries.


I don't think so, O.J's case was all about racism and they used the race element to run the defense. It was important to show the audience the race situation back then otherwise it would been hard to digest how the jury let a murderer go scot free.


"Made in America" refers to celebrity worship and racism (especially against blacks). So it was important to show the history of institutional mistreatment of African Americans in los angeles. One of the jurors admits her not guilty vote was retaliation for not guilty verdict in Rodney king case--filmmakers therefore needed to explain who Rodney king was and all the other Rodney Kings in los angeles who were the victims of an abusive police force.


"Made in America" refers to celebrity worship and racism (especially against blacks). So it was important to show the history of institutional mistreatment of African Americans in los angeles. One of the jurors admits her not guilty vote was retaliation for not guilty verdict in Rodney king case--filmmakers therefore needed to explain who Rodney king was and all the other Rodney Kings in los angeles who were the victims of an abusive police force.


True, but why did you submit it twice?

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpson--" - Frank Grimes


That is just not true. You either didn't truly watch the entire series and are talking out of your ass or you are being a troll.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"
