
I want to watch this with my father, but he's extremely conservative in his entertainment preferences. So I'm curious: why the TV-MA rating?


I just finished watching it, and I have a really thick skin for movies/documentaries, both in terms of language and subject matter. I didn't find it especially shocking--you can predict that they say the "N word" about 50 times, given the subject matter. For me, the part that affected me more was that they showed the actual crime scene photos of Nicole and Ron, and I had never seen real murder photos like that before. They showed images of Nicole's throat cut (almost decapitating her) and very deep stab wounds in Ron's neck. Those images will stick with me for a long time.

But if your dad knows it's a true crime documentary, he probably wouldn't be too surprised to see such graphic images.

The first portion of the documentary tells the story of OJ as a college student at USC and lays out his identity development as a celebrity against the backdrop of the civil rights movement, Watts riots, and other significant events of the late '60's. I found that really interesting, especially the parallels to the current BLM movement and issues with the police. That part (which is about 2 hours long) is really worth watching even if you don't want to sit through the retelling of the trial.


there some f bombs. most of them are in part 5, as the poster above mentioned, you do see crime scene photos in graphic closeup and descriptions


Those are in part 4 I believe, when prosecutor Bill Hodgman is speaking about how the murders likely went down, almost in a matter of fact, legal, detailed way. I agree that they are probably the most graphic photos I have ever seen.

I'm not sure, but didn't ESPN say they would only show these photos in the original broadcast, and future broadcasts would have them blurred or blackend out? If you're worried about someone seeing them, you may want to look into that.


the blu ray is uncensored for everything, i assume the same for hulu. the series is on the ESPN app, idk if it's as aired (muted cuss words but crime photos are in tact
