Not again.

This has been dissected to death, and proven time and again that there was not another killer there, Jason wasn't there, there was no "Charlie" who was a lookout, and the killer was Simpson.

Outside of the victims, the only blood found at the crime scene was Simpson's, in several places.

Hairs matching Simpson, and no one else aside from the victims, were found at the crime scene.

Blood belonging to the victims, and Simpson were found in his car, driveway, house, and the glove he dropped. No one else's blood. Why it was in the passenger side of the car isn't because someone was with him, there are numerous explanations as to why this could be, and common sense will take you there. Clothing, movement, etc.

There is one, distinct set of footprints at the crime scene, those follow Simpson's shoes, foot size, the steps of the killer, and a path from the crime scene to his car. Blood drops from Simpson's cut on his finger match this path as well.

There are other sets of partial footprints found at the crime scene. These were later determined to belong to police officers and first responders. The first sets of police that arrived were wary of a possible threat nearby, and working in near darkness. Even though they determined there was no threat, more police quickly arrived, then first responders arrived quickly after, and were working in the dark as well. These people were careful, they weren't clumsy, or ruining evidence, but they weren't perfect either. About 12 people were at the crime scene before Fuhrman and Roberts arrived and cleared most of them out and fully secured it. A few of these dozen people steped partly in the blood, which was everywhere, and left some prints. Even the defense didn't challenge this.

While no knife was actually found, the set of Swiss knives that detectives believe the murder weapon came from, and were purchased by Simpson weeks before the murders where confiscated from Simpson's house. For whatever the reason, the prosecution didn't introduce them as evidence, or even show them as an example. In fact. when I believe Vanatter was on the stand, he used a knife as an example that Fuhrman said was way too large, and didn't fit what they had impounded, or matched the wounds.

Read Vincent Bugliosi's book Outrage. He dissects each of these bit by bit, with perfect analysis.
