MovieChat Forums > O.J.: Made in America (2016) Discussion > That photo of Nicole's neck cut open was...

That photo of Nicole's neck cut open was very disturbing

You know, it's weird because this picture was actually first shown in an earlier episode...I think episode 3, but you have to pause to see it. It was when that cop who was friends with OJ was talking about how sick it made him to look through the photos of the victims. I remember they transitioned from a close up of Nicole's face to OJ's face and they quickly flashed an image. It took me a long time to pause at that exact second but I really wanted to see what that image was. When I finally got it paused at the right point I saw it was a picture of Nicole's neck cut open. Perhaps one of the most violent real life images I have ever seen. I felt so sad for her at this point that I ended up keeping it paused on this image for a few minutes and tried to contemplate how much of a monster OJ was for doing this.

I actually thought that the makers of the documentary thought that this image was so horrifying that they only wanted to flash it onscreen for less than a second. I was kind of surprised that in the next episode they showed this same image for a much longer period of time.


Yes it was very disturbing. And whats more disturbing is, something which also pointed out by his agent in the documentary, is that it was very much possible that his kids might have walked down and witnessed their mother in that condition, lying in a pool of blood with her throat slit open. If it all had happened in a fit of rage, then I would expect him to feel remorse soon after he realized what he had done, call the cops and make sure that his kids dont witness it. But the fact that he left the crime scnene, went home, took a shower and flew to Chicago proves what kind of a monster he is.


The crime scenes pictures were so disturbing to me, too. I've often wondered how OJ could do that, and then leave his children to find the bodies that way the next morning. I recently read in one of the books on this case (I can't remember which one), but it stated that for some reason OJ thought his children had gone back to stay the night with Nicole's parents. They actually hadn't though, they were there asleep in their beds on the night of the murders. I 100% believe that OJ committed these murders, and I think OJ thinking his children weren't there gives another reason why he picked that night in particular.


I've often wondered how OJ could do that, and then leave his children to find the bodies that way the next morning.

In the third episode, during the Bronco chase, they play part of the conversation where OJ is talking to the negotiator on his cell phone. The cop is trying to convince OJ not to shoot himself, and he says something about how his kids shouldn't experience two tragedies like this. OJ quickly brushed him off, saying "Oh, I've talked to my kids about this". He sounded like he was annoyed that he would bring up such a triviality. Point is, OJ was worried about himself, not anybody else.

That phone call was so weird, because the cop kept saying "We all love you". I thought it was a strange thing to say to basically a stranger, celebrity or not.


It's in episode 4, it was really horrible. Her throat was cut wide open .


It's definitely disturbing and the photo of Ron Goldman is just as disturbing. I turn my head every time both of those photos come up and I still get that brief sickening feeling in my stomach.


I had stopped watched the series halfway through because it was so depressing. Then we watched the end last night. The photos of Nicole and Ron were, I suppose, essential to understanding how brutal the crime was but I could have done without ever seeing those.


My family and I went to a bar-&-grill the night this aired, and they showed it on the TVs there! When they showed the uncensored crime scene photos, I heard my parents murmur, "Whoa, look at how O.J. Simpson left Nicole."
I wonder if any of the employees noticed this? Certainly, no one would like to see glimpses of a graphic murder while eating or waiting for their food!


Does anybody know exactly what time these photos are shown?
