MovieChat Forums > Mindhunter (2017) Discussion > Started to check this drama out,

Started to check this drama out,

Well, I only saw s1-e1 so far, not super impressed. Will see a couple more episodes, and get back. You?


I have seen all of them and enjoyed them. I like the interviews with the killers and the actors that play the killers. The lead actor is really bland though.

The weird thing is, is that there is hardly any hype about it. Not a lot of people are talking about it.


I've seen stuff on the net about it, and it sounded very intriguing. It's been getting some good reviews,though.


Just finished the last episode. Great show from start to finish. They cast the real serial killers perfectly. Especially the guy playing Kemper, he was scary good.

During the first episode I thought that the lead actors isn't very good, but slowly you start to realize what kind of character he is playing and the actor won me over.

Definetely left me wanting more.


Every time I see the guy playing Kemper I think of the late great Alex Kerras. Kerras was 6'2" the actor is 6'5" and Kemper was 6'9"


When I started watching this I actually thought that Kemper and the other interviewed killers were fictional characters. Only after I googled Ed Kemper I realized they were real killers. Made it even more disturbing.


Totally agree. I think Groff is doing a great job.


Far better than most TV shows... Worth watching if you're i to TV shows as it builds throughout the season and works well in this format...

It's no Zodiac (solid film), but does something that a 2 hour movie can't in terms of how the characters develop and the story unfolds...

I'm glad they kept the season fairly short... I might have preferred it if it were a mini series, but it's ok...

You're not going to fall in love with any of these characters... it's not that kind of show...


There are many potential audiences for this show, those who like crime shows, those fascinated with forensics, those into procedurals, but also those of a historical bent, who are fascinated with how things arise, get started. mature.

The last aspect is what intrigued me the most about the show. we, most of us, understand that behavioral profiling is now a very important aspect of the FBI value-add to police departments around the country. But it had to start somewhere, we can well believe it encountered initially resistance or even hostility. this drama outlines that process.

A very entertaining and likely somewhat educational journey of that time & place.
