MovieChat Forums > Happy Death Day (2017) Discussion > Saw it today - Not good - Wait for Netfl...

Saw it today - Not good - Wait for Netflix/DVD

Boy... that surely wasn't very good.

The first half starts interestingly enough... but it really falls apart in the end.

Don't spend your money seeing this in the theater.


I thought so - thanks for the info


No. I will not listen! I've been waiting for this movie to be released and damn it, nothing is gonna stop me from seeing it.


have fun


It was good for what it was. The montage of killings while she was crossing off suspects was awesome.


Agreed. It was a fun popcorn movie, it pulled off its gimmick pretty well, and even when it was unimpressive, it wasn't boring.

You could certainly make a better horror with the same premise, but as a horror comedy it worked well.


It was good Saturday night popcorn movie , not too bad. 5/10 for me


Dis wuz awesome


Saw it today and it wasn't horrible. I'd give it a 6/10.

Like Groundhog Day, there's never an explanation for why this is happening to her. They mention she shares the same birthday as her dead mother, making you wonder if that's why she keeps living the day over.


I saw it. Of course, this was a horror, noty comedy movie, and it was one of several similiar movies that had a teen girl/young woman (along with "Before I Fell" earlier-the earlier had the girl in high school). Of course there WERE funny moments here..I was the only one despite this being the top film, the other theatre in our cinema, according to the janitor after the film ending, had an a viewership[ of more than --but it ain't a comedy per se....The girls were hot in both.


Saw it yesterday. The movie lacked originality as everyone has been saying but I still thourougly enjoyed it. Entertaining throughout, well-paced and well-acted.


If you didn't see a movie because it lacked originality, you'd never see a movie.


I disagree. I thought it was faced paced, fun, and entertaining. I would rate it 8/10.


It's a fairly fun and entertaining mash up of Groundhog Day and Scream, more or less, but I never felt fully engaged and at the end you're left with the feeling that it doesn't all amount to much.

The highlight is easily Jessica Rothe, who apparently has done a fair amount of work, mostly in TV, but this is my first time encountering her. She's great. She knows how to put on her bitch face and act the part, and her transition from cunt to nice girl feels totally natural and believable, mostly due to the strength of her performance.

There are also a few effective moments of humor peppered throughout.

But despite the film's positives, for whatever reason it just failed to pass the Watch Test, i.e. it failed to lock in my interest to the point to where I never found my mind wandering or felt compelled to check my watch.

I would recommend it, but with the caveat that you go into it understanding that it's just a light trifle and nothing more.

