Plot Hole (Spoilers)

They didn't realize that they were time traveling? They were making diary entries every time and didn't notice 2013/2016?


It isn't really a plot hole if you really think about it.
Most of the character in the show constantly said that the dream is still a dream no matter what you do the memory of it will fade away eventually and that's why they don't know they doesn't live in the same year/timeline


I think they thought those were dreams only at the 1st time they switched. They seemed to become aware that the switch wasn't just dreams afterwards, otherwise they wouldn't have set out rules like "don't spend too much money" etc.

Therefore, I also think it's a plot hole. It is impossible that someone who had smart phones and went to schools everyday wouldn't know what year they were in. The mobile phones used by everyone should look like different models too.

And unlike the guy in the movie, I would try to figure out the name of the place I was in while the switch happened. I don't understand how he could be so clueless about the location when he decided to look for the girl.


that's an interesting point. i was trying to justify it in my head during the movie... maybe 三葉 thought tokyo was faster pace and everythin looked even more futuristic? idk


One thing though. It's clear that the first time they switched they did actually physically switch, judging by the remarks of their friends ("You were acting weird yesterday"), yet they both thought it a dream. So how come neither noticed that they'd gone to sleep (say) Tuesday night, yet has woke up (as themselves) Thursday morning (as they had both spent Wednesday as a completely different person) ?


Yep, the bigger plot hole is Taki walking around town every other day and never noticing the town's name anywhere. I was taken in by the beauty of the movie but that's the one thing that made me go "hey wait a minute...hhmph."


Yes definitely. Both the not knowing about the year or the town name were really unbelievable. Both things jumped at me when I was watching the film. I think it's the type of plot hole that they put in because they need it to take the plot where they want to: ie. Taki having to go above and beyond to find the town and the whole before and after the comet timeline duality.


Well, I keep thinking about the same thing, but it's not necessarily a 'plot hole' if you think about it, because...

If they know it sooner, it just shortens the stories, like... the first act is not needed, the story can just skip or jump to the second act, but of course it will decrease the dramatic point of the story.


I don't really see it as a plot hole. Since they have trouble even remember each other's names, it is easy to imagine their memories of being in each other's bodies to be hazy and dreamlike. The longer they spend time out of each other's bodies, the less clarity they have in their memories of each other, they could have easily just forgotten specific details like locations and time periods as soon as they were back.

Another thing is- being in another person's body and finding out everything they're supposed to do seems pretty attention consuming, maybe they just didn't look too closely. I myself have brief moments when I forget its 2016 and think its still 2015.


I agree that they were both 'prevented' from aspects such as noticing the time difference, the name of the place Mitsuha lived, their names etc ... the point being that Taki 's job was to save the town, so he was manipulated into doing just that ...


yup agreed. coupled with the time paradox problems, (which most time travel stories have), i had a really hard time swallowing the plot. while the music, animation, setting and atmosphere were top notch, the plot holes were just too much for me to call it a "masterpiece" like so many people are quickly doing. and could they milk the sappiness any more than they did? the last 30min or so was just literally excess sappiness oozing off the screen. i understand it works for some weeaboos, but for others, it's just a cheap gimmick and annoys the hell out of em.
