Can't stand Rita Morena

Something in her acting. Like I'm the best thing since sliced bread. Every part I've ever seen her - her huge ego ruins it for me. I'll give it a chance, but I know she'll ruin it for me.


You're crazy.


She's not a bad actress, but that falsetto Cuban accent is horrendous. It's so phony and contrived that even if she performs well on the show, it will distract and diminish the way that we see her as an actress. It's obvious that she was picked for the show for her name recognition, but I don't even think that her fame will save this turkey.

In the trailers, they always pick the funniest most entertaining segments to try to sell the product, yet nothing in this show's trailer is even remotely funny. I can only imagine what the rest of this trash is like.


The name is Moreno. And I, along with many others, am enjoying this show.



@ Scoey. Wow, you have wonderful communication skills with your personal attacks, don't ya? [talk about trolling] In any case, a trailer is used to sell a movie or a program. In a brief minute or two, the producer wants to clinch an audience and he does so by presenting some of the best scenes in the program or movie. You are going to see the funniest gigs and the best jokes not the lamest. It's just like a used car salesman, he shows you the best features in a car during the sale. So, yes, reviewing a trailer is relevant.


its strange to see her doing a fake accent


She's not a bad actress, but that falsetto Cuban accent is horrendous. It's so phony and contrived that even if she performs well on the show, it will distract and diminish the way that we see her as an actress. It's obvious that she was picked for the show for her name recognition, but I don't even think that her fame will save this turkey.

I agree 100%.

They could have used so many other Latina actresses to play the part, but they went with name recognition on this one to skewer the older viewers, as well. She over-acts in each scene, and over-does the fake accent.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


At first she was a little annoying, but she's great. Very funny character.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

