MovieChat Forums > Wind River (2017) Discussion > Mother Cutting Herself

Mother Cutting Herself

Did I miss something, or did Jane walk in on the mother of the dead girl cutting herself, and just close the door to let her continue? Nobody would do that, let alone a police officer.


Jane is an FBI such, they only have jurisdiction over certain types of criminal activity on the reservation.

Second, cutting yourself isn't a crime.

Third, she ran smack up against a Native American cultural and deeply personal family issue, even something that Ben the police chief knew not to get involved in.


I get the cultural thing, but there was no way for her to know if it was not a potential suicide, or even an accidental death in the making. I don't believe any law enfporcement person could or would just see somebody doing that and just walk away.

First - the woman had a weapon. Second, the FBI has jurisdiction and is already investigating a murder, and nobody knows exactly who is involved. Third - she'd at least request the husband, or one of the others who apparently knew what was happening to do something. Fourth - if the woman died, there would be hell to pay if it was known an FBI saw what was happening and did nothing. Fifth - Simple human nature would be to try to stop someone injuring themselves.

The whole scene was false drama that felt contrived for effect, but not grounded in reality, which is why I found it so distracting.


Tend to agree, somehow.. But not sure.


It is not contrived at all. The whole film is about how the Indian Reservation and the FBI 'letter of the law' are two very different worlds. That scene is when Olsen's character suddenly realises this. It is a big turning point for her character.


Exactly. She figured out precisely what was going on and knew it wasn't her place to interfere.
