should I binge this ??

opinions please - I loved the movie one of my favorites


I think you should. I really enjoyed season 1 and am liking season 2 even more.


Unfortunately, it's nothing like the movie but it's entertaining.


I haven't seen that, but if you like The Exorcist, there is a movie called Possessed with Timothy Dalton, Henry Czerny, and Christopher Plummer. It is based on the same true story as the Exorcist but much closer to the actual events. Not as Hollywoodized but closer to the real story with great actors.

It was a Showtime movie and is on DVD.


I like the show, so I'd say it's worth a binge. No show these days is intended to be all things to all people, but this one is at the very least well done.


I agree. Most shows are one dimensional and very sucky. Im lucky I tend to find obscure good ones. I gaved this one a few shots and was very impressed. Became a huge fan!


No doubt. It was great.

The movie is the all-time no.1 greatest horror. I didnt want to give this a shot but it was really good and the more I watched the more I was convinced it was good. You'd be surprise they tie in the movie and it has much to do with the plot. The acting, story, and special effects is superb. Do what I say, watch 3 episodes and if you arent convinced by then pull the plug.
