MovieChat Forums > Horace and Pete (2016) Discussion > It's like Woody Allen, without the Jewis...

It's like Woody Allen, without the Jewishness or sociopathy.

Basically Louis is kind of doing a woody Allen kind of thing now, except without all of the Judaism and rape and incest and whatever other weird sh** woody is into at any certain point.

This is a bit more mournful and it's not as mean as something like Maron. Whereas Mark Maron and Woody Allen view themselves as the most important people in the room, CK is sad yet humble.



What a ridiculous comment about Woody Allen. That kind of uniformed tabloid ignorance is what keeps the false rumours about him alive.


Right, but isn't all of that true? I thought it was a matter of public record?

That being said, I'm referring more to the attitude. Louis' stuff is more sad. He's like a fish out of water, and bad stuff just keeps happening to him.

Woody Allen reminds me more of a child jumping up and down on the bed exclaiming "hey mum, look at me! Hey mum look at me!"



"Right, but isn't all of that true? I thought it was a matter of public record? "

Well, no it's not quite true at all...that's my point. Doesn't matter anyway since fortunately, the US legal system doesn't allow tabloid journalism as evidence against a person's character.


So he didn't adopt that Asian girl and then hump her and eventually marry her.?



It's a little hinky by most people's standards, but not illegal as far as I know. Soon-Yi was the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow, who Woody was not married to, and she was maybe 21 when they got together, so it's not statutory (unless it started before she was 18). Still, she was a child when she first met Woody, so it's weird, but I don't think illegal, and they've been together for almost 20 years, so it's not unlike other May-December relationships that are not so scrutinized. I can see how both sides feel the way they do.


I don't even really care about what people are into, I was just making a comparison. No matter how you slice it, Woody is a weirdo and just seems rather pervy in general.

I don't get a creepy vibe from Louis. While a lot of contemporaries do the sad bastard humour, somehow Louis seems less "mean" than the others if that's a thing.



