MovieChat Forums > Horace and Pete (2016) Discussion > Louis CK just trolled us all.

Louis CK just trolled us all.

This show was made to be unlikable. That is it's intention; to be disliked. Louis CK has become known for the bleakness of his side projects, and with this show has created something so depressing and devoid of any pleasure, only someone blinded by his status as a comedy legend would ever say they like it.

He let it slip in the second season of Louie that he yearns to make the darkest story ever (in the episode he meets with a film executive for lunch and pitches what essentially will form into Horace and Pete's). Now he has brought his nightmare to reality, and I'm thinking he's the only one laughing about any of this. It must have taken all his strength not to end the show with Falco's doctor showing up at the bar to deliver the news her cancer is back. That would have been too obvious.

What is this show if it isn't a joke on us all? It isn't a character study. Nobody changes for the better. Sure, we almost get something with the sex change discussion, but nothing ever comes of that. Just because it's unrelentingly depressing doesn't make it a drama, and it sure isn't a comedy. It sure to hell is not a look at mental illness (Pete's illness is never even named!). It's not about grief, it's not about letting go, it's not about beating cancer. The closest I can come to labeling what this show is is calling it a slice of life. A slice of life in a grimy dive bar that's worth more closed than open, and the staff and patrons are just barely holding on. What a masterpiece.

CK got exactly what he wanted. He made an unlikable show that people are calling genius. I'm glad if you liked it (or just say you do), but I suspect the man is having a long laugh at your expense. To clarify, I hated Horace and Pete's. But then again, that was the plan all along.


Thank *beep* god I'm not OP.

Can you imagine seeing life like this kid? Terrifying.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


Here is a response you left on The Mick board-

"Thank god I'm smart enough to distance myself from anyone like OP in real life.

Think of how boring life would be."

What a deep well of observation you are. I second your opinion that you and I should feel oh so lucky to not be in one another's shoes! Here's to posting things that actually have some weight and aren't disposable dismissive insults!


I agree with you Qrispy. To find this show unlikeble because it was dark is to miss everything that is light in the world. I suppose he wants action and comedy and shows where the dorky guy always gets the hot girl in the end.

Those are the shows that should depress the heck out of people.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


I'm gonna help you out here kiddo, i shouldn't but i feel bad for you...

Abigail's Party


I don't much care for his inspiration on the design of this when the end product is so joyless.




Cryptic response.




Louie supposedly borrowed millions of dollars to produce this show. That's money he is personally on the hook for and that he will never recoup. That's a hella expensive inside joke
