Amazing episode 3

Wow I was blown away by this episode. I don't remember listening to human conversation as real as that before in any series or movie. Just a beautiful piece of writing and acting. I shed a tear when <spoilers> louie finds out that his son is doing well </spoilers>.

How often do you get to see piece of dialogue as real and humorous as that and that too delivered through best possible acting. The character build up in just 45-50 minutes of episode with so limited setting of two people conversing is genius.

This episode restored my faith in humanity. Thank you Louie.


Laurie Metcalf was brilliant.


I hope they have her back. Metcalf is truly amazing. I was mesmerized. The air between she and Louie was beautiful and awkward and satisfying. Just so satisfying. And a real treat to watch.


I just came to make a topic about episode three. It legitimately left me speechless.

Less than forget. But more than begun.
