MovieChat Forums > Horace and Pete (2016) Discussion > Episode 4 - Shorter, funnier. Better?

Episode 4 - Shorter, funnier. Better?

At 30 minutes this is the shortest one so far. IMO it was the funniest so far though. Uncle Pete and Pete's final talk was hilarious. That's not necessarily better though. It was good and funny but nothing groundbreaking. Episode 3 is still the standout episode in terms of showing me something I've never really seen on my screen before, a completely alien show just showing two people talking about a heavy topic.

Pretty sure today's episode was firmly centered around women's rights. It was interesting because Louis CK pretty much described most American's views on the matters. You've got a lot that think it's murder, a number that think it isn't but at the same time don't care enough to fight against it, mean while the women is cast aside in all the conversations because like it or not Men still hold more power than Women.

Best line was Uncle Pete's: You prejudiced mother *beep* You've never *beep* an Asian girl? What do you think they're for?

It's that perfect mix of half racism half SJW that he's had the whole show and it's fantastic.



Maggie is played by:

I've liked all of the episodes.

It's interesting, in Louie, Louie C.K. plays himself. Here, he's playing someone else. His personality feels like its spread out through the rest of the cast.



Nina Arianda was terrific. I'm greedy, so I want longer episodes. I'm also missing Lange; hope she'll come back next ep.
I didn't really care for Louis' acting during the first half, when he was acting depressed; I found it distracting and it made you very much aware that it's an actor acting, and quite badly so. It almost felt like breaking the fourth wall.


To me episode 4 felt too short, so I hope they will (manage to) do another couple of longer ones.

I don't think this was the funniest episode so far. But I don't consider this show to be a comedy so to hell with that when talking about quality. For me it is mostly about how powerful it is written and portrayed. I was blown away by both Alda's monologue in episode 1 and Metcalf's in episode 3, so I guess those are the ones I consider the best so far. Somehow both those episodes as a whole also felt the most real to me. They just grabbed me from A to Z, while episodes 2 and 4 had moments that weakened my interest.


I have loved each episode a lot but the beginning of this episode had me worried for some reason. Not that I wasn't enjoying it but anyway when Maggie came in, the the rest of the episode was amazing as each before. great moments, acting, dialogue. AH! love.


Uncle Pete is such a great character because it feels real. Too many similar characters you get on CBS sitcoms seem to be there to set up a punchline. This just feels like authentic dialogue.

This was a forgettable episode. Shorter is better, even though 30 minutes is still a little longer than most cable comedies. The conversations were thrown together in this episode, less consistent than previous episodes.


I feel like there are a lot of characters on network sitcoms that are loosely based on people like Uncle Pete, but have to be toned down for network TV. Horace and Pete being independently made and financed means we finally get to see an authentic and uncensored version of a "grumpy grandpa" character type. And because it's uncensored he gets to have opinions and dialogue no similar character on network TV would be allowed to have.


Funny? I just finished episode 4 and I don't recall a single laugh or even smile in it. I guarantee, Louis C.K. wasn't playing for laughs. Uncle Pete is authentic no doubt, but he's not about yuks. He is the embodiment of human suckage.

The show is very good but it's not a comedy.
