Worthless Monalisa

She blames the system for her drug using 18 year old daughter being sent to jail for 10 years. Where were YOU as a mother being a part of her life and keeping her safe as she grew up????

So friggin sick of that attitude. Never the parents fault. Blame the system and hate the cops!
It's killing our country!


Her special snowflake could never be to blame. After all, she was on the honor roll!

And unless her offense was particularly aggregious, how did she get ten years? Was she in previous trouble?


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


She said her daughter was convicted of armed robbery. 10 years sounds about right for that.


LMAO I hate that fat slob also.her daughter's a druggy and deserves more time tbh just imagine the slobs when she gets released


She had to do more than just doing drugs, you don't get a mandatory sentence for sniffing cocaine or smoking crack


IDK where the daughter was when she committed the crime but she is convicted of armed robbery and I know Florida and maybe some other states as well has a mandatory 10 year sentence for a crime committed using a gun

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


She and her attitude fit right in with the other losers in the jail.


She is obviously a criminal supporter in general.


I'm sure she's secretly loving her daughter being locked up, it has turned into a business for her. Running some show about parents of children that are locked up. Somehow, somewhere in all that I'm sure she's found a way to make money.
I didn't like her the minute she opened her mouth. Then when they were at the restaurant and she commanded her husband to pour her some water. LOL. Good lord.
During "check in" she gave the guard such a crappy look and the lady was nothing but nice to her. She just straight up hates everyone employed at that jail already.


Monalisa is so dumb...it's no wonder her daughter ended up in prison. Big coke nostrils for her big ugly mug. All she does is complain n act entitled


I was thinking the same thing when I was watching it. It's not the police or correctional officer fault. It's your daughters fault for making bad decisions. And it's your fault for not being a good parent. An 18 yr old doesn't wake up one day a stone cold addict that is so desperate she robs a bank with a gun. That happens over time. And there are definitely signs along the way that a parent should be picking up on and realize what is going on with her child. And if she was a big drug addict like she states the first thing you would notice is her performance in school and her lack of going to school. She would not be on the honor roll like she stated.

She stated she did an armed bank robbery. So she probably got charged with federal charges not state charges and that is where the mandatory minimum sentence would make sense. And in federal prison you do most of your time. You don't get out after doing half your time like in state prison.


Amen to that. She's not enraged that her daughter committed armed robbery, she's not heartbroken that her daughter became an addict under her watch, she's mad and heartbroken that her dumb daughter got caught and punished for doing wrong.

O top of that she voluntarily signs up to go to jail to be an inmate to see how the system works and she's whining about her phone call. What a narcissist.


I would say she is mad at the wrong person(s). Instead of being angry at her daughter, who broke the law, she is mad at the people who are enforcing the law. It's a lot easier to take out anger on a faceless "system" than to hold her daughter accountable.


She hates police, CO's, and the system but I guarantee you if the roles were reversed and she would of been the victim of a armed robbery from someone's junkie 18 year old kid then she would be singing a completely different song


She has a real problem with authority figures, always challenging them. I bet in school she was a nightmare to the teachers.
