MovieChat Forums > Animal Kingdom (2016) Discussion > Unlikable characters like Nicky - why do...

Unlikable characters like Nicky - why do writers keep them around???

Really, is there anyone out there that really cares about the Nicky character? What is it with writers that can't figure out that for viewers to care about characters they also have to be at least somewhat likable.


In the first season I actually felt sorry for her when J broke up with you, at the time I thought that was harsh, now I couldn't care less that J is sleeping around or not. shes nothing but a junkie now and dumb.. shes gonna do something stupid that will get the whole family into crap. well she already kinda has.

don't be surprised if they kill her off at the end of this season they seem to be killing a charter off at the end of a season.


I hate her and smurf now that smurfs out it makes me sick


Because they are entertaining to watch??
All the characters are scum bags and pretty unlikable anyway but it's still a good show.


Couldnt stand Nicky either. She was useless. Why Jay took her back as sloppy seconds after Craig is beyond me. Nickys father was the worst actor too. Glad they both went away to Guam.


Not only unlikable, just serves no purpose.
Like if the character got hit by a car today, it would not effect any other story line.


Deran's boyfriend is much more annoying and useless. At least Nicky had Something to do with the family. Anyway, it seems she's out now.
