MovieChat Forums > The Shape of Water (2017) Discussion > Well I thought Michael Shannon's charact...

Well I thought Michael Shannon's character was a hero.

Alpha male, doing his job, taking care of business, protecting America, his family, and humans at large. Stepping on any and everybody who gets in his way to do it. I'm not supposed to sympathize with this character? Who's surrounded by weakness and traitors? Backstabbed by commies, anarchists and monster lovers. Disgusting.


He is General Zod mind...


No, Terence Stamp is General Zod. There is no other.


Of course. What “let’s go back to the 1950’s/60’s again!” proud fascist white male (or any male with a backwards mentality) with a lack of empathy wouldn’t side with him?

Good thing Shannon’s character gets exactly what he deserves (and u bet your ass Shannon himself will agree that his character and others like him, was the real monster).


There's no way he's that much of an asshole in real life. Gotta be hard on an actor only gets offered the roles he does. Probably just wants to sing and dance.


Google Michael Shannon and what he said about Trumo voters. He may be an asshole but he’s my asshole.


You got that right scummy.


This film was set in 62, Shannon's character looks to be in his 40's, so it's highly likely Shannon's character Richard Strickland was a war hero fighting Nazis or the Empire of Japan.


You are doing exactly as you are supposed to for sure.


You just decribed what his character would be if he wasn't turned into a caricature of evil white male so the movie could push its annoying agenda.




I didn't like him for looking down his nose at everyone and everything that was different, but also for being a PRAISE JESUS type to boot. I really hate Christians like that, who think the Bible is the immutable word of a fictional sky person.


Yeah, and you forgot the Jews!
