MovieChat Forums > Doctor Sleep (2019) Discussion > Biggest problem with this film

Biggest problem with this film

The problem with this film is that they showed the baseball kid being eaten alive. What the True Knot was doing should have been saved for the end of the film when Rose confronted Danny in the Overlook. Prior to that our imaginations should have allowed us to fill in what they were doing to the kids. THAT would have been more terrifying. Instead they showed what was happening early on in the film and it was off putting. Even Steven King said that he didn't like it, and it went to far. So, I'm left wondering how the director made such a rookie mistake on such a big budget film.


I disagree. I would not have understood what Rose was doing to Danny if I hadn’t seen what happened to number 19.


You would have gotten to see it happening at the end of the film. Then you would have known what they were doing with the kids.

People that want to see kids mutilated and abused on film have serious mental issues.


The Dr Sleep novel was crap. That's why they had such a hard time making a film out of it.


I didn't read the novel. And I find that making sequels 20-40 years later never works out. I know that Hollywood is littered with them, but I honestly haven't seen one that I have enjoyed.


Watch The Color of Money


The baseball kid didn't get eaten alive at all.

They kept stabbing him to make that steam released from the kid.
