MovieChat Forums > Cloak & Dagger (2018) Discussion > Like the Show, but Jumped the Shark (Spo...

Like the Show, but Jumped the Shark (Spoilers)

I enjoy this show. There is little action, especially for a superhero show, but i think the character building and extensive backstories are excellently done.

However, I always found the MY BROTHER WAS KILLED BY A CORRUPT COP story line to be very cliche. But, it finally paid off with Tyrone, Detective O'Reilly and Officer Fuchs "catching" Conners. But then Officer Fuchs winds up murdered (I assume by other corrupt cops).

Finally in Episode 9, Tyrone and his parents meet with the new Police Chief who promises that their son/brother's death will be fully investigated. Soon after, the police are breaking down Tyrone's door for the murder of Officer Fuchs.

WHAT?!?!?! I assume the answer is the old staple: corrupt cops, fabricated evidence. Why would Tyrone kill one of the police officers who helped him bring Conners "Murder" (more on that later) of his brother to death.

I assume the writers just wanted Tyrone on the run and had to come up with some excuse for the cops be chasing him in the season finale.

With regard to Conners "Murdering" Billy, I think the scenario depicted is more like manslaughter. Conners has caught up to Billy and is holding him at gunpoint for stealing a car radio (I think). The Roxxon rig, which is behind Billy, explodes causing Conners to accidentally discharge his weapon, killing Billy. There was no intent to kill. This is not murder in the legal sense. Manslaughter only requires "recklessness".

There was a similar NYPD shooting where a police officer patrolling an unlit stairwell in an apartment building was startled by one of the residents suddenly appearing in the stairwell next to him. The officer was convicted of manslaughter.

Really like the show. Just feel that this part was sub-par.


He didn't murder Billy, but he did a hell of a cover up. That crime would get him more time than the killing.
