5 movies?

I just don't see that happening on schedule. I think by the 5th people will have Avatar fatigue.


8 years later and we havent gotten one sequel. I have Avatar fatigue just from waiting lol


It's Avatigue!


haha nice! patent that....


I doubt this movie ever gets made. 2 might flop which means all the sequels will be cancelled.


Thinking the same thing. Every 2 years? I think the 2nd one will drum up attention because of the 1st movie but then realize how much CGI is so overblown now and get turned off. Back then it was a big wow factor. Nowadays it's meh to tantalizing at best. 3rd one will do less than 2nd as usual with most sequels. His recent writing of scripts have been subpar so far (Dark Fate) although I personally enjoyed Alita Battle Angel.


They're supposed to be all really different. Not just 5 movies of blue people running through jungle. Could be great.


Who knows, 5 of any movie gets lame after a while. Rocky 5, Fast 5, Pirates 5. all pretty generic...


I thought Fast 5 was better than the first 4.


true, but then there was Fast 6, then Fast 7, then Fast 8, then Fast 9...I think Fast 10 will be the last but who knows.


I was watching the Harry Potter reunion special and I realized how much I had burned out on those movies. Seen the first ones many times, but the later ones pretty much just once.


yeah, it gets formulaic after a while. even GoT suffered the same fate. you can only write about the same thing for so long.

I am still hopeful though that Avatar 2 will break that mold and be a great movie.


People had avatar fatigue half way through number one.
