The ending

I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. My only issue is with the way it ended. I was thinking, maybe, Luke would make it to town and discover that the residence already knew about the woods. Something along those lines. The ending was not satisfying, in my opinion. Luke gets out of the woods ... and that's it.

What do you guys think?


I sorta agree, but I think it's assumed the local residents of that area are fully aware of those woods and wisely avoid them at all cost. I think if he were to go back to town and mention his experience, he'd be met with people who play dumb and won't speak a word of it, or even worse, come across some people that would silence him to keep the ritual secret. That's just my opinion.

So having said that, I think the ending was just. After seeing all the turmoil he and his friends went through, just seeing him walk out of the woods was good enough for me.



I was expecting the camera to zoom out and show that he was in the middle of a clearing surrounded by the woods.


Yeah, it didn't seem he was completely out of the the woods ... maybe just out of that particular section. Overall, I enjoyed it. The way it ended did not ruin the movie for me, but it did feel something was missing.

Re: "TylerAArse" I agree with you. It would have been too cliche.


I like that type of endings. That would have been good here.


I think it was fitting considering the theme of guilt and fear that Luke carried, in my opinion the central theme of this movie. His refusal to kneel before the monster and his courage to fight back was the point where he finally redeemed himself for everything he blamed himself for. That last part where he is looking the monster in the eyes and screaming is him finally coming to terms with his shadow, which I think makes the perfect resolution to Luke's internal conflict.


Yes! Very well stated...all I could add is that it all seemed to come together when he was screaming. Like he was screaming down his fear, screaming at his fear, screaming at everything, letting it all out, you know? All the pent up anger, self-loathing...
People complain about the end of the movie, but the screaming seemed to be the end of his arc...I felt it wrapped up nicely. I'm not sure the movie was about a group of guys being hunted by a monster as much as it was about this man overcoming his fear and reconciling his grief.
This was a surprisingly good movie!


I'd like to think that dipshit Luke does not survive? heh


Yeah I felt the same way. It needed an extra beat or sequence that ties it together a bit better. You could argue that the director was going for an open-to-interpretation style ending, but it wasn't set up very well if that was the case.


I would like to see him coming back with the flamethrower and 10 hired bandits just to scorch the place a la Tarantino style



Taht would be an interesting experiment

