I liked it

I've seen quite a few films like this - most usually have a happy ending, so this one was better in that regard.
As for the story, the small reveals with each loop were interesting enough to keep watching - and besides, not every loop was fully shown, they skipped to the new bits in the latter loops.

All in all - 7.5/10

I do wish we got to learn more about this world though - seemed promising.


I liked it too. It is always a transition from "Yet another time loop/travel movie" to "Yeah, another time loop/travel movie!". The trope never gets old.


Boss Level was another great time loop film


Nah, this one I didn't like much. I don't even remember why. Probably it has to do something with making sacrifices for the wider audience and the studio's big money.

ARQ is another one that looks like an "Outer Limits" episode (similar to "Extracted", which I commented earlier), but it is fun. This is the problem with these indie sci-fi movies - they try to make them small in scope but clever and the end result typically is a prolonged "Outer Limits" episode. With ARQ they succeeded not to bore us. Personally I prefer the 80s and 90s crappy rip-offs of blockbusters like Aliens and such. They lack this "Outer Limits" "clever" attitude and are not trying to be anything more than cheap but fun romps. It is rare these days.
