MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Gave it a second chance

Gave it a second chance

I watched the first episode and was confused as hell. Is this Star Trek parody? Homage? Weak excuse? It seemed like a bit of a hot mess and I didn't bother watching again to see if it found it's feet.

I was flipping channels recently and a season 2 episode was on. I was so surprised to find it thoroughly entertaining, seems the Seth-brand humour has been dialed back and it's all the better for it. Smart writing and the general tone seems to be much more unashamedly straight-up homage to the best of everything good about Star Trek.

I'm going back and starting from the beginning.


It's classic "Star Trek" with Gene Roddenberry's original vision unlike the new Trek shows on CBS. "The Orville" is optimistic with social commentary. I also like the realism and humor. For instance, crew members drinking soda at their work stations. That's normal behavior.

They had to call it a parody to avoid being sued. But, Seth Macfarlane is a huge Trekkie and this show is a homage.


Hit the nail on the head there Keelai! In the episode I saw recently the crew were called to the bridge in the middle of the night and instead of being in uniform like you would expect in Star Trek they were all in pajamas, dressing gowns and slippers... love those little touches of realism, as you said.


Macfarlane said he wanted it to be the type of ship where a person would want to work. I know I would. Fun crew. I like their chemistry, too.


This show has actually been described as a "love letter to Star Trek," as well as a sort of parody of Star Trek. It's mostly due to Seth MacFarlane being a huge fan of the franchise, and wanting to make his own show based on Star Trek. Despite its silliness, it does follow the campy formula of earlier Star Trek shows, and almost ranks up there with them too.

The great irony is, people love "The Orville" more than the show "Star Trek Shitscovery!" Viewers actually abandoned the supposed actual "Star Trek" show for the parody one! Can't imagine why.


See, I don't mind Discovery either. I know I'll probably have to hand my Star Trek fan card back to the nerds for saying so, but I think it's slick, well-crafted entertainment. I'm not interested in "cannon" or how it sits with the established Star Trek timeline, to me it's just an enjoyable sci-fi show with excellent production values. I can't imagine why so many people dislike it. That said though, the only Star Trek series I have a strong attachment to is Voyager.




I can see where initially you could think that, but it's actually a great show. 'Can't wait for the next season.


I'd say all 3 new ST shows are utter woke crap - much like the new Star Wars/Terminator woke crap.
I honestly can't decide which one is less crappy though - I'd put all of them at even, though I actually did enjoy the first season of STD, before it went off into the crapville.

When the producers'/creators' priority is being woke, scripts suffer terribly and we end up with a horrible mess. I'd love to see a legit ST parody show though, like Galaxy Quest.
