MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > S3 Ep5 ... The Tale of Two Genders

S3 Ep5 ... The Tale of Two Genders

Oh Dear, this series has been going downhill for some time now, and this episode nails it.

That is all.

I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.


I couldn't finish it, too dumb. Shame, I've been enjoying this season.


One thing this season is missing is the Main Plot/Sub Plot narrative structure. Star Trek always had a couple story lines going, so if one was annoying or boring, there was still something else in the episode to keep you interested.


I liked it.

It was attack on the notion that you can change your sex. You can't.

I think people are missing that.


I really don't know what your talking about. A Tale of Two Topas was like classic ethical dilemma episode of TNG. It had emotional and gripping Drama.


You haters. It's de-transitioning the child from those gay dads that forced the woke culture of their progressive utopian angry filled rage planet onto her by making her a dude. Now she can finally be normal again, the body she was born with, not the gender dyphoric confusion. Great episode.


Moclans are fucking WEIRD!


You are absolutely right. Topa was born female, so this was just her "transitioning back to the way she was born." Call it "chromosome conformity." Odds are that McFarland and the writers didn't intend to support something as unwoke as "de-transitioning" but they ended up doing it. And probably by accident.

Another shocker was that they had a whole planet of persecuted women worshipping Dolly Parton, and not Michelle Obama. Kudos to the writers for doing something so unpredictable.

Overall though, this is still a great show, despite the heavy injection of 21st century wokeness 400 years into the future. It is the most interesting and entertaining sci-fi show we have seen in quite some time.


Yeah this was the opposite of woke, showing us there is such a thing as biological reality. Surprised there hasn't been any backlash.
