MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Charly is starting to get on my nerves

Charly is starting to get on my nerves

Beyond her obvious dislike towards Isaac (which I get), she seems like she's not cut out for Union service. It's almost like she doesn't want to be there. Her character may be incredibly smart, but she seems angry, and I think lacks professionalism.

I'm glad she got paired with Isaac on the latest away mission. I didn't expect her to grow fond of him, but I thought their relationship would move in some type of direction, rather positive or negative. Neither happened so it seemed a wasted opportunity to me.


Yes, but hot.

How else will Seth get into young women's panties?


Well, I never said she wasn't hot. Very pretty girl.


Surprised that all female characters are quite hot and VERY skinny. No morbidly obese character, doesn't it count as fat shaming? :D

I guess he has a type :D


Neither happened, YET. But I'm guessing a situation will arise in a future episode where Isaac saves Charly's life in a dire situation, so she might finally accept that he's not like the other Kaylons at all.


I really like her. I think I just like bitchy women.
