Some questions (spoilers)

What was the relation between the two lead characters (Karen Gillan and the male lead)? In the beginning it seems they are a couple but towards the end, something else is hinted.

And why did he kill her in the end? Because she killed the baby by smothering it?


From the start you can see she is a little challenged/traumatized ex she doesn't realise she is kidnapping, doesn't realize she can't lactate unless she is pregnant etc.

In a later conversation on the phone, the lead (Gensan) is concerned she can't survive on her own. He mentioned an earlier episode where she was caught shop lifting and had some sort of episode where she blacked out and peed herself.

Later in his discussion w his uncle, much of their past is revealed. They are actually brother and sister as her uncle says it is wrong for them to be living w each other as it isn't 'natural'.

Their father was an awful man, Gensan believes he killed their mother, not that she ran away. He was recently in jail for luring a teenage girl where he passed.

He also describes an incident of his father raping Ruby and forcing him too as well.

The lead is worried she wont be able to survive in prison ( or on her own) so he arranged to leave her w his uncle and claim he took the baby. That way she will be looked after.

I think he realises that after she killed the baby they will now both be accountable and both face lengthy jail time. He knows she can't survive the world and it will just be suffering at the hands of others in jail, so he decides to end her life and future suffering as a sort of a mercy death.

Pretty heartbreaking story considering they had finally figured a way out of their situations but moving in that regard. It is sort of disturbing he was having sex w her but maybe it was just the comfort they had in each other.

Karen Gillan is a great actress.


Harrowing tale but really well done. Excellent script and acting. I’m glad I knew nothing about it before I turned it on as I might not have watched it had I known the content.
