Her act isn't that funny

I assume it's to be 50s funny.


Totally agree. Her standup is the worst part of that show.


The premise of the show is that she's a talented comedian working toward her big break. Trouble is, she isn't funny, ever. Her act consists of a "men suck" rant augmented by stuff to embarrass one or more of her family members. She talks fast. But it's never funny. It's not "50s funny" either. There were plenty of good comedians in the 1950s.


True. Shalhoub is the funniest part of the show.


God yes. Only character on this show that makes me laugh.


True. I also think Joel's parents are funny.


I think that is deliberate. I they work too hard it will seem modern, or forced. I thought the repercussion of her outing the black guy in her act was interesting, pretty brave of the writers to make the black and a gay person look not so cool. If there is another season I will watch it, but I hope it goes somewhere and not just a soap opera on and on thing.


I find it obnoxious but I still love the show. I find her obnoxious sometimes, too, like the time at her friend's wedding when she made a speech. She just had to hog the limelight by getting up on the chair and saying "can everyone see me?" Cringe.

Kevin Pollack and Tony Shalhoub steal it for me, they're hilarious.


The four or five people bitching about it here are the minority who feel that way. ;-) All the people who are amused don't show up to bitch.

And no, not every line they write for her act works for me, but there are plenty of amusing things in there, and a home run now and again.

Their idea for her act is to sound like your funny friend, not Jonny Carson or Steve Martin or George Carlin.


yes, whatever they did these bozos would be complaining.


Her act is hilarious, the best part of the show. They never give it enough screen time.

The jokes aren't all that great, but her delivery is awesome. I assumed she was a comedian before this, but she wasn't.


It’s hilarious!


