
So one and done I guess.

And it's kinda', sorta', a shame. See,the first half of the show was a gonzo, over the top exercise in "how can we make things crazier". You had hentai tentacle monsters, water elementals, Wayne Brady with a grenade launcher dressed up as a Horseman of the Apocalypse. You had Ass-wang and Booty! It was a straight faced satire that was silly and fun, despite Anne Heche and... whoever the plank of wood they got to play the dad.

And then we had a tonal shift, and the show started taking itself seriously and tried to tell an actual story. And that story was... just kind of weird and dribbled out.

And worst of all is that I'll never get to see people posting here on how much they hate the show... and keep watching it.


The guy who played the dad is Anne's hubby in real life.


So one and done I guess.

And naturally they ended it on a cliffhanger, just like I predicted.

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