MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Worst acting on television right now?

Worst acting on television right now?

I can't think of any other show with such atrocious acting currently on telvision.


Are you being ironic? This show has feature film actors. This is the best acting on any t.v show.
Maybe you're being ironic, in which case, my bad.


Besides Anne Heche, is there any other feature film actor on this show?


The girl who plays Dana ( Julia Stone), Matt ( Levi), and I think the girl who plays Brianna will be. I think Dad has done more T.V work, but it's been extensive and I have watched him in features as well.


Yeah, I believe the word you were looking for was, sarcastic, not "ironic".


"Sarcastic" is a synonym of "ironic".
But, yeah, they both work.


I agree. They are so bad, specially the two girls and of the girls Brianna is terrible.

The writing doesn't help. I couldn't believe when the dad escaped after knocking Dana down and when the brother and girlfriend found Dana she was on her feet again (after like 20 min on the floor unconscious) without feeling bad at all.

The mother was really awful while screaming "Josh". Second hand embarrassment.

The woman who came from Seattle was another example of bad acting.


Do you think it is because those secondary actors are Canadians?


You have zero perception of bad acting. It's more than adequate on this show.


Your expectations are very low. Lol. It was awful.


The piece of string holding up Anne Heche's legs in the closing moments of the finale gave the performance of the series.




I especially enjoyed when her sunglasses fell to the floor and the daughter was just lying there where her mother was just carried off into the black hole.


Surely black holes that can swallow chunks of the moon woukd also start tearing up buildings on Earth, yet they can't pull in sunglasses.
