MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Tonight the end of the world arrived.

Tonight the end of the world arrived.

Does it mean there is no second season since the world is going to end?

Time stopped. Space no longer exists. Universe ends.


Based on how stupid this family is the world should end. If this is how the human race has evolved, kill us all.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


A fitting end for crazy ol Anne Heche. They couldn't possibly keep a straight face for another horrific episode. I hope they can all sober up eventually.


So, this was the first wave. I wonder what will happen in season 2. I Loved the reveal, I don't want to spoil it for others, but this was a FANTASTIC episode . I'm so intrigued.
Please let there be a second season. This is my favorite show!


Three waves, three seasons.


How is it possible to like this show more than all others? What shows come second, third and fourth? Did you see that scene where they worked out the solution to the moon chunks traveling at 10 miles per second (as if)? It was painfully bad in every way. All of it hurt.


It is an 11-demensional solution. People thinking in three dimensions wouldn't understand.


I'm an Adept. Ask me anything.


It's incredibly smart!


It is painfully bad, but to me it's like a train wreck. I can't look away.

I'm also loving the ridiculousness of the way they're trying to blend nonsensical science and abstract obscure religion inside a wad of nonsensically puerile philosophy. I can't wait to see how they put these poorly jigged pieces together.

I'll keep watching. Can't stop. I yell at the TV a lot while watching, but I just. can't. stop.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.
