MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Has almost gotten completely unwatchable

Has almost gotten completely unwatchable

This sort of started out alright but as the season has gone out this show has just gotten quite bad. From a wandering storyline to completely uncompelling characters, it is only a crazy hope that maybe it will get a little better that keeps me watching - but highly unlikely that will ever happen.


I'm with you. I was initially on board but this show has the most disjointed, incoherent and nonsensical story line and development that I can recall. Nothing makes sense and nothing is worth caring about.


I don't understand why you have the word 'almost' in the thread title.


because i am still holding out a bit of hope it will become interesting - first 2 episodes or so i actually was thinking it could go somewhere...but yeah it really has gotten totally unwatchable, but have found when you say something like that on imdb you get people freaking out asking why are you still watching it and all the other shades of crazy come out lol


I totally agree. Don't usually post because of the harsh responses, but I have to say that I was really excited about this show and have tried to stay with it, but am do disap


ok, this show would be a trillion times better if they had cast likable actors/actresses and if they had written their respective characters as genuinely likable. IMO that would make all the other batcrap crazy and completely random/bizarre things that happen in the show infinitely more enjoyable.

i DO like how you never ever can predict what insane event/creature/situation will come up in each ep. it's so ridiculous and over the top that i enjoy it but every character now (even Brianna, who i liked for most of this season) has become just so idiotic/vile that i am rooting for the entire family's deaths.


Disagree with the 'unwatchable' comment. Despite the whole absurd premise that throws in everything just to see if it sticks I find this very watchable. Find it much more entertaining than the increasingly dull and repetitive Walking Dead. Do I take it seriously? No, but it's kind of fun.


It is true that The Walking Dead has taken a nosedive over the last two seasons but it would have to go a lot, lot further to even come close to the depths plumbed by this piece of trash. The Walking Dead has a very good cast who all work very well in their roles and most of its current problems are fixable. Aftermath has never had anything to warrant such optimism and has never shown any redeeming feature.
