What is going on?

I know I will regret asking, but somewhere along this series I kind of lost track with what exactly is going on. I liked it at first and kept watching despite gradually losing interest as the plot got more bizarre, but now I find that I have no idea what is going on or more precisely what any of the episodes have to do with any of the ones that came before them. Is there a bigger story or is it just one new disaster after another?


Bigger story.
Have you watched all the episodes? If not, try to watch them in order. There are new disasters, but something bigger at the same time.


I'm with the OP. There's nothing bigger happening here and if so they're doing a crap job of peeling off the layers to inform us. From episode to episode, nothing cohesive is happening other than Anne Heche ignoring her kids running around having sex with different strangers.


This is a very cleverly crafted reality show which has succeeded in keeping its viewers in the dark for the last 12 weeks. The actors receive their lines for the first time through hidden earpieces just as the cameras start to roll, all the time thinking they are in an improv workshop. Unknown to them and the viewers episode 13 will reveal to the cast and the 200 watching from home that it was a cruel trick designed to document the end of five people's careers. A phone poll will see one lucky star get the cab fare home. The rest walk.


pjdickinson, LOL!! :)


That might be the funniest comment I have ever read on IMDB. My wife thought I was crazy I was laughing so hard. :)


You and the writers lost track, so don't feel bad.
