MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Who wanted Dana dead after the opening s...

Who wanted Dana dead after the opening scene?

Claustrophobic wearing a gas mask while surrounded by poisonous gasses. Dad should have slapped her into submission.


And in the next 5 minutes I wanted the asshôle Mom dead. Let's see who's next.


OMFG!! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KILL DANA OFF!! she's the most mind-numbingly annoying character i've seen on a show in a while!! (she's far more annoying than both Zach from THE STRAIN and Chris from FEAR THE WALKING DEAD!! lol.

the dad is such a freaking wuss (with everything in his life thus far on the show). he should have slapped her to calm her down.


All of this


the only character i don't outright hate is the blonde twin sister. everyone else in that family is 100% unlikable. the idiot brother sets the fire so that it will eat up all the oxygen in the shelter room (to get the doors save idiot Dana & wuss Dad) but then, after he's lit the fire, he says he's not sure if that will even work???!!!! he's like "i hope it will work"!!!


I kinda like the Dad. He has a tough job keeping these morons in check. And even though the don is impulsive he does more tight things than wrong and the beautiful sister sometimes has a good head in her shoulders.


This is after he has said that there was a vent leading outside that would let the poison in and it would kill them as dad took the respirators. Sooooo, lets set a fire to get rid of the air! I wish i could stop watching this nonsense but I cant!

The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.


Like I said he does some things wrong.


I have been complaining about her for the last 4 episodes, saying she needs to be killed off. I cannot stand her. It felt like the writers were writing these romantic scenes that were meant for an adult & then expecting this inexperienced little girl, who had been playing a little girl the whole time, to suddenly play the part of an emotionally mature woman. She did not pull it off! I'm sorry, but I wonder who it is that should actually be cut from the team: the actor? Or the writers?


I totally disagree! She's a complex character, who is obviously a genious, but inexperienced.
I actually think both the writing and the performance is really smart.


super28, i DO enjoy this show (as a guilty pleasure) but even i can admit that the writing on this show is...well it's not smart IMO. also Dana is apparently the dumbest genius ever. for her to refuse the gas mask thing because she's claustrophobic and "might puke"... she technically should be (and WOULD BE in real life) dead from not having any gas mask for as long as she did.

and don't even get me started on the completely unnecessary and gross pedophilia pairing of her and the 28 year old MAN.


Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder. Most people do react other people's disorders, the way you are. Unfortunately, the reality is phobic episodes seem very real to the person living through them.
Is a 17 year old with a 28 year old considered pedi pile like behavior, especially when the world is so small?


Well 17 is nearly adult. That's hardly pedophile. When I was in my early 20's I dated a bunch of chicks in their late teens. It's all relative.


i guess pedo isn't the term i should have used and believe me when i say i am no prude but i just found the Dana/28 year old guy (whatever his name is) creepy.


agreed. most annoying character on tv now.. Her and Zach from Strain should be on an island somewhere far far away from any tv cameras


The only people who deserve to live on this show have already been killed off.

Chthonic gods have set their sights on making me a slave to their ways.


She's annoying and too skinny. She looks like severe anorexia. I'm surprised the wind in that ep didn't carry her away. But pretty much every member of that family is annoying. I don't find any of them likeable at all.


That was the scene that started me hating her too. And now her limitless knowledge is beginning to grate too - ok, so she's a genius, I can believe that, but come on, she has an encyclopaedic knowledge of drugs too?
