MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Dana is so annoying!!!

Dana is so annoying!!!

Her face is so annoying too, plus her moodiness, stupidity and over dramatization of everything. So weird she didn't die from the volcano eruption.


They need to kill her off


Absolutely not. Her and her sister are the only reason to watch this show.


And yet we are supposed to believe a hot guy like Martin would fall hard for her.


She's a bit self-centered. She seems to think her twin has put her in an inferior position, meanwhile, it's her own arrogance, IMO.

She's the only family member I honestly can't take and get exasperated about watching.


i'm not digging the actress playing Dana but i HATE the Dana character so much that it makes it difficult to watch this show. Brianna is the only character in that family (the dad is barely ok-ish) that i don't want to die a 1000 deaths.


When she was panicking under the RV about not wanting to wear the gas mask during the volcano, I began to hate her like I've never hated anyone before.
