Dana is so cute!!!!

OK. I love watching Dana. she's so cute falling in love!
I really liked Brianna giving her big sister advice, even though they're twins. THIS show has everything!


no offense but i find her incredibly annoying. also isn't she only 16 and the guy she's making out with is like 20 or 21? that's kind of creepy. the show is fun though.


I find her annoying too, I was kind of hoping the plant would eat her this time.


no offense but i find her incredibly annoying.

I have to agree, but for a different reason. She went off on her mom after her mom ganked the three women that were trying to kill her and her BF. That's some gratitude.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


She's too idealistic yet inaccurate. Logically, they were dangerous. You'd be taking their weapons so they couldn't follow you (unless they have more stocked around) and taking some of the food, essentially leaving them to die anyhow... A bunch of killers that could kill anyone else they come into contact with. Is it likely someone else survived? If there's even a chance, hell, what if they move around to another location and take someone else's life for food/weapons?

They made a point about the girl's intelligence, that doesn't mean she has any wisdom on real life scenarios. Age old phrase about being booksmart as opposed to street-smart. I have to admit, I was glad her aunt is gone. Just too much, everyone else has to watch out for them while they're blabbing about the guns being wrong. I swear, the next time, the mother, father, son, and her twin, they should just be like, okay then, peace out... let's see how YOU handle this apocalyptic event.. I mean, even knives should be off the list if you're going with an anti-kill message.

It's kind of annoying they're using a political statement in this show. I'm confused, do you think liberals are that kooky about guns? When they're being hunted? The point is to not use them on populated civilian sectors, future owners getting thorough background checks, not cater to the end-of-the world kooks claiming they need the whole gun store's rifles and shotguns for D-Day.. Oy. They should have left the anti-gun thing out. Such B**sh*t.


that annoyed me too darkavenger77 - so ungrateful

As for making out with a 20 year old - eh who cares. When I was 16 I would have loved to have made out with that guy.


I think he's older than 20... mid 20s. Either way, you'd have to be certain at this point in life, that the 20 year old mind is post-adolescent and markedly more adult than 16. I wouldn't let you or anyone else near my 16 year olds. End of story!


also isn't she only 16 and the guy she's making out with is like 20 or 21? that's kind of creepy.

On the show, yes, she's supposed to be 16. As for the age difference; It's the apocalypse and she might die tomorrow, so I think that she should find happiness wherever she can. If it's with an older guy, so be it. I mean, it's not like she has a lot of guys to pick from and even if she managed to find a guy her own age, he might not be as nice as this one.

This is a THREADED message board. Please reply to the proper post!


S01E07 points to that disparity being of her being 16 and him being 28

Worse off, both parents are signing off on it. Even if it is their end of the world, this has jumped right into Pedophillia propaganda.


S01E07 points to that disparity being of her being 16 and him being 28

Worse off, both parents are signing off on it. Even if it is their end of the world, this has jumped right into Pedophillia propaganda.

He could be 60 and it would still not be pedophilia. You are not a kid at 16, you are a developed young woman. As long as their feelings and attractions to each other are mutual, it IS 100% normal and healthy, no matter the age gap. And frankly, 12 years is virtually nothing and extremely common in real life.


No, feelings do not make a bit of difference. It absolutely IS pedophilia. It most certainly is not common. It certainly happens, but it is not even remotely common and most of the time when it happens its an age gap between like for example 32 vs 44. Even in that example there are loads of differences, though two consenting adults can overcome difficulties like being a part of two different generations.

When you are 16, 12 years makes a world of difference. When you are 16 you cannot drink, you cannot smoke, you cannot vote, you likely cannot drive on your own, and you pretty well cant live on your own all under the law. Because of the structure of the modern world a 16 year old is not properly equipped or capable except in extremely extremely rare instances of a highly mature 16 year old, to handle the decision to engage in, or the consequences of a relationship. Sure, a century ago it was a different story, This is far from the same world as a century ago.

Furthermore, due to all the various difficulties and societal issues that having a relationship with a 16 year old presents, it typically points out something fundamentally flawed with someone who is in their 20s pursuing a 16 year old. It is the text book definition of being mentally unhealthy and abnormal.

I could go on about how wrong you are, but there is essentially no point. Not only is it unhealthy and inappropriate, It is unequivocally KNOWN to be pedophilia, as Even in areas where Age of consent is 16, That "consent" is not the 16 year olds. Its the consent of her parents as they are still a minor. Moreover, nearly every jurisdiction with an age of consent at 16 or in rare cases lower, there are also tightly defined laws addressing gaps, with most stating anything more than a 3-4 (again dependent on jurisdiction)is not only not allowed, it is typically seen as sexual assault.

Simple fact is that the laws prove you wrong. This is not some subjective matter open to interpretation. Now I know there are highly motivated, driven, educated teenagers out there, of which are capable of thinking long term and making rational decisions for themselves that consider the consequences of their actions. Ive known a few personally. But regardless of the fact that they do exist, they are, have been and always will be such a microscopic minority, that their numbers are basically incalculable. The laws exist, to protect the virtual entirety that ARE brash, immature, arrogant, ignorant, confused, and just do not know any better. This certainly is not the first time I have hear it posited that an adolescent is capable of making their own decisions and it does not matter what they chose. However any time I have seen someone utter it, they were WELL below the age of 25 and simply ignorant to just how ignorant such an assessment is. Not saying someone over 25 CANT say it. Only those who consistently have are either blatantly ignorant and delusional, Or have a very malicious ulterior motive. Virtually without fail, any time you ask someone who has a decade or better of being responsible for themselves, they all agree in resounding unison that looking back they understand just how monumentally ignorant and incapable of making good decisions for themselves they were when they were even in their early 20s, much less being a teenager wracked with all manner of physical, biochemical, psychological and emotional chaos that essentially all teenagers goes through.

So sorry to have to correct you, but your statements are so blatantly incorrect, and quite frankly irresponsibly dangerous, that to allow them to go uncontested would itself be a disservice to you, or anyone else that might be reading.

So to reaffirm... a 16 year old involved with a 28 year old is NOT normal, It is NOT healthy, for neither the Jr or Sr. It is in every sense of the word pedophilia, and serves as a case example as to WHY we have laws that PROTECT the minor. Typically from themselves and how they "Feel" when they do not yet understand how to process new and complex emotions. To suggest otherwise only serves to put children into harms way.

These are facts of general consensus that civilized societies have concluded and come to accept. So when an institution such as a media broadcast, such as a scripted tv show, makes it a point to write characters and then purposely pair a 16 year old with a 28 year old, AND choosing to portray it as something harmless, as well as something "acceptable" despite it being a gross violation of the morality of civilized peoples and rationalized under the guise of "But its the end of the world" shows a purposeful intention to defy the conventions of civilized consensus. More precisely defined as I originally did by calling it pedophilic propaganda.

It is what it is, and no amount of "feelings" will be able to normalize it, negate the inherent risks involved, change the reasons why people came to agree upon this fact or in any way shape or form make it acceptable.

So unless you are among the hyper technical types like myself who would nitpick it would technically be "ephebophilia" or unhealthy attraction to a post pubescent child, Then Once again I apologize but your position leave you without a leg to stand on.

None the less... I hope you learn something from this and otherwise I wish you well on the path. Peace be with you.


I didn't expect such a thorough and well formulated response. Thank you! I am in a rush right now but I will reply later as you raise a few interesting points. Can I just quickly ask where you come from? I am personally from Sweden, 40 years old and an atheist. I mention this because I suspect you are possibly not? My apologies if I'm wrong, I mean no offence, but it would help me to understand where you are coming from. In short, it seems like we live in completely different worlds you and I.

And yes I am one of those, not nitpicking, but sort of "hyper technical"(in lack of a better word/expression). I did react to your wrong categorization and use of the word Pedophilia which means something different than what you meant. But I also completely disagree with your philosophy on this matter and your stated "facts" about law/moral/health.

I will give a better reply soon.


No, feelings do not make a bit of difference. It absolutely IS pedophilia. It most certainly is not common. It certainly happens, but it is not even remotely common and most of the time when it happens its an age gap between like for example 32 vs 44. Even in that example there are loads of differences, though two consenting adults can overcome difficulties like being a part of two different generations.

I didn't quote the whole response but that was really well thought out I must say. I will also add that almost all 16 year olds I know think they are smarter than every adult and don't want to be told what to do. And about every person over 30 has some regrets over what they did as a teenager, esp when it involves "love". I agree I think that while they are physically close to being mature, mentally they aren't and the danger is they don't or can't realize it. You can't understand till you are older. It's also true with other things. I tried to explain to a high school junior that they probably won't ever talk to their high school friends after they are 25, and since that's all they knew, said I was wrong and they would always stay friends with their group. Now some people do but the majority of people I know who went to college lost contact with their high school friends.
The only defense to a 28 year old hooking up with a 16 year old is the end of the world reason. Pickings are slim and take what you can get and what can make you happy. It's not too illogical I guess. Whether it's a good argument or not, my question is why was it included? There is no reason to create a question of "is it a pediphile thing" in a show like this. I guess they could say it's to show how desperate things are when parents even agree to it. But add in all the anti gun rhetoric while being hunted, and it's not illogical to ask if this was put in on purpose to make it look acceptable. It's not a big leap to say it's ok for the end of the world to it's ok for some other reason in normal times. I'm not saying it was done on purpose as I don't know, but I think it's a fair question. I just don't understand why something like this was added.



What? she is super annoying. Besides, she looks like a 30 years old woman.


What????!!! You must be thinking of the wrong character. Dana looks super young!


Nope. The hair, the way she talks, and the way she smokes, she might as well be 30.


Julia Sarah Stone is 18. Birthday - November 24, 1997


haven't seen so many super retarded people in one tread, oh well


She's so *beep* annoying. People are killing each other and she goes antigun. I would protect almost everyone on IMDB in a situation like this unlike her. I guess she's a sheep when she needs to be a sheep dog in times like this.

Don't get hurt kid. I'm not your daddy, I'll beat you senseless.


agreed. most annoying character in the whole show imo.


Is it me or is she the spitting image, the very reincarnation, of Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer 😀


I've never seen that show - Buffy TVS - but based on the appearance I'm thinking that you're referring to Alyson Hannigan.

This actress has a similar face but wow is she skinny!! her legs are like swizzle sticks but she is cute


Yes, just so


Very few people watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer because it is on CW. But if you said Lily from How I Met Your Mother, there would be more people knowing who she is.


BUFFY was awesome!!!!!!


with my ten inches wrapped around her.
