MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > I was sort of rooting for the psycho nur...

I was sort of rooting for the psycho nurse lady!

LOL. i just hate this family (except for Brianna) so much that i can only root for whatever creature/killer/psycho comes their way. i thought the family in FEAR THE WALKING DEAD was unlikable but this Copeland family on AFTERMATH is detestable.


I don't know why you hate them so much. I disagree. They are a family who are trying to survive during horrible circumstances. Within that you have very individualized characters who are convincingly related to each other, and trying to help each other survive. I like how Dana is the brain child and yet sometimes Brianna seems to understand more. I also like how you see different aspects of the parents in their kids.
I also, really like the character of Brianna (she seems like somebody I'd be friends with.)
I really love this show and I'm rooting for the family.


super28, i definitely like Brianna and find her very likable and for the most part has a good head on her shoulders. i too could see me being friends with her/someone like her or whatever. the actress is able to convincingly convey warmth/sympathy and "doing what it takes to survive in the apocalypse" type attitude very well.

i just haven't really seen any of the other family members have moments (like the numerous Brianna moments/scenes with various people she's met on her trek) with non-family members that show that they (mom, brother & Dana) are or ever were friendly, sympathetic people before the apocalypse as well as where the characters are (personality-wise) currently in their timeline. heck, they are barely even friendly to each other. it comes across like the characters are (barely) tolerating each other (or maybe the actors/some of them don't like each other in real life and it's coming across onscreen).

Heche & Tupper are married(?) in real life but in so many of their scenes their characters (mostly her towards him) come across more like brother & sister who don't really genuinely like each other. it's mostly Heche's fault in this respect (i DO normally like Heche) as well as the writing. when the Dad would show concern (or whatever) for his her, she's (in THE most *itchy way/tone) snap back at him with a nasty-ish comment (the writing's fault) and that type of exchange between them would happen again and again.

the Dad has/had his moments of showing him being reasonably likable, especially earlier in the season. of course it helps that James Tupper comes across as an actual nice guy (i assume/hope he is in real life too! lol).

i swear i'm not just trolling/bashing this show for kicks. i WANT to love this show. i see major potential (especially in earlier eps). if Brianna & to a point Tupper's Joshua weren't among the main group/family i'd most likely have stopped watching several eps ago.

sorry for my long, somewhat rambling post. LOL. :)


The thought crossed my mind:
1) The mom wearing those sunglasses in a dim room.
2) Giving up your guns- although she had one all along- why not use it sooner?
3) Worrying about the mom and overlooking the nurse.
4) Not confirming the kill after zapping the nurse. That one alone warranted all of their deaths.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


"Let's split up" - every other scene. What could go wrong in a multi-monster apocalypse? Great parenting. Asinine writing is why people dislike the characters.


The family has made me root for their death every episode. But I think I'm starting to get used to their idiotic behavior, and it's the first time all season I found myself happy they lived. It surprised me, bc I thought they may actually kill the mom. I was rooting for her to die, and for the psycho nurse to add her to her collection, and wondering if she would put the glasses on Karen or keep them herself. But when the family came out on top, for the first time I wasn't mad. Maybe it's a one time thing, or maybe I'm getting used to the show, idk. Part of me watching this show was rooting for the family to die, so idk who I feel about this. I'm torn.


Delores Herbig as in " her big brown eyes"


After the latest episode I want them to die again. I didn't hate the brother and the dad I could have gone either way with on this episode. I wish the news reporter would speak in more than broken sentences to help explain everything in Seattle, but then that would actually made sense. She obviously knows something but chooses to speak in broken sentences and riddles instead of just saying what she knows. Now she is lost to the butthole in the sky. Reminded me of Flynn in Timeless if anyone watches that. He only has a few minutes each show to explain himself and he chooses vauge references and answers questions with questions instead of finally explaining things 6 or 7episodes in. Briefly.



"...butthole in the sky"!! that's hilarious! :)
