MovieChat Forums > Aftermath (2016) Discussion > Heche's character Karen is 100% unlikabl...

Heche's character Karen is 100% unlikable.

actually pretty much every character on the show (not including James Tupper's character...he's ok i guess) is completely unlikable. Karen's "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" when her husband (trying to be caring/nice) told her to get some sleep, just drove home how unlikable she truly is.


I'm with you on this!

That got me too.

The funny thing about that scene was what happened in the next scene.

She started to tell him what to do, and instead of saying what she did to him, he just said "ok" like a good little boy that he is, lol!

It's a two way street in this world, if she doesn't like being told what to do (which he wasn't by the way), then don't tell others what to do, plain and simple. 

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FullEclypse, exactly! so true. :)


Nobody likes being told what to do on this show.. Don't go outside.. Sister runs out.. Grab a gun.. She doesn't . Stay down and stay with your aunt.. Daughter immediately runs off. The list goes on lol.


So true, and the reason they all get into so much crap is the very fact they don't listen to each other, lol!

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Like most people.


She may be unlikable but i'd much rather have her on my side during an apocalypse than anybody on Fear the Walking Dead, for instance.


People just don't like Heche.

They still think she's a psycho reformed Lesbian. Ever hear about Bisexuality?

This country needs to F'en grow up. Damn Fundy Christians continue their perverse morality campaign on the rest of "sane" Amerika. Merica to them.


Not one person has said anything about her being bi sexual. I don't care about her personal life, but her character sucks and is annoying on here. Using your logic, no matter what she does we should like her work. It is just as narrow minded to say you like her because she is bi sexual than for someone to say they don't like her bc she is bi sexual. You turned this into a political discussion, not anyone else. I think her character is annoying, and you call us a bigot. If I said I didn't like a black character you would call us a racist. My friend, you are the close minded one here and the one trying to stir up stuff. I am simply giving my opinion on a thread about her character on a show. Not about her. Not agreeing with you doesn't make anyone a bigot.


Everything is political in amerika. Especially in an election year. I am far from close minded.

I didn't target you, but you targeted me and made it personal.

For shame!


aereaus, idiot, i do not hate Heche. i'm gay and i don't care if Heche is lesbian, bi or str8. i don't hate Heche, i hate her CHARACTER on this show.


She seems to be the social butterfly! Like my mom...every place we go she knows someone! Her character has grown on me though! I like her!



I can't stand Karen. After seeing how completely bonkers Karen's sister also was, it's obvious they came from a severely abusive/broken home. Karen is a bit of a gung-ho militant sociopath obsessed with her aviator shades (she shows no real love for her husband - definitely sociopath, not a lesbian, lol) and aunt Sally is a vegan daredevil wannabe medic. They really bring the show down a few notches in my opinion.

I can't see how Karen and Joshua could ever have become a married couple except for the old drunken night of sex which led to unexpected pregnancy ~ shotgun wedding scenario. They're a horrible match and their differences are hindering the development of the plot.

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Blah blah, she's a woman and I don't like women who boss me around because I'm an insecure boy who has issues with men not ordering women around and doing all the blah blah blah like only someone with male genitalia should do


It has nothing to do with having "male genitalia." Karen seems to overdo the macho stuff just to overcompensate for her gender.

Compare her to Samantha Carter on Stargate, who was a believable, likable strong female leader and lead role. She didn't have to become an ass just to seem "strong," which is the issue underlying Karen's character.


I'm surprised there are so few posts on this topic. She really spoils the show for me, you just don't root for her as you do for the flawed but generally likeable characters in Walking Dead etc etc. Think I first became aware of it when she was dismissively talking about looters - just before she and her family were going to raid a pharamacy or supermarket. What makes it ok for her doing it, but for others it's a crime? Because she's a mother?! Fkg hypocrite...


She's hideously unlikeable. Pushy, bossy, arrogant, lacking in basic feminine characteristics, thinks she is an Admiral or General or something, has a very long and thick stick up her butt, devoid of empathy and compassion, and that's just for starters.

Eminently dislikeable. The fact that her milquetoast husband had sex with her at least three times is astounding.

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