Trailer here

Trailer here ⤵


Have you seen this? I was just wondering if anyone liked it. none of my horror film friends think it would be any good.


Doesn't look too good. At least they didn't throw in tons of jump scares. Unfortunately, the one jump scare was an Exorcist III ripoff.


Hmmmm... The description didn't do much for me. The trailer did even less. I think I'll pass this one up.


"the one jump scare was an Exorcist III ripoff."

That's what I immediately thought too! Albeit with far less patience and overbearing sp00ki skeletons ambiance here. -w-

Man The Exorcist III was great.


Not yet, I enjoyed the Conjuring films but this looks like a made for TV cheapo.


TV cheapo. YES! That is exactly how it looks, and the funny thing is that I actually enjoy many of those schlock films. This one just doesn't look bad enough to be good. Does that make any sense?
I didn't think so! 😊


Yep I know what you mean, it's no Peter Benchley's Creature (1998) that's for sure.

I notice that's Vera Farmiga's younger sister playing the young nun there in the trailer.

I'll probably still watch The Nun though.


Well if you do, let me know what you think.


Will do 👍
