
TV viewership was down on Tuesday from the previous week. Both top shows The Voice and NCIS were down about 400,000 viewers. Bull,however, lost 2,000,000 viewers (15.49 million to 13.48) Adding in the poor reviews (Metacritic - 40) the suits at CBS may be starting to sweat.


Bull is doing better in that time slot than NCIS: NO was doing at this point last year. Given that I doubt the suits at CBS are starting to sweat at all.

Seems to me that some on this board are very invested in seeing this show fail for whatever reason and are disappointed that so far it hasn't.


I was very excited to see this show. There are few new ideas on TV or the movies and this was an interesting concept. It was based in reality and that coupled with Michael Weatherly starring in it made it even more appealing, but it's not good. I could list a couple reasons, but one is the writing. If this episode is up on the CBS website I will come back with some of the dialogue. It's cringeworthy.


It's cringeworthy.

Not half as cringeworthy as much of what fills the schedules, like the so-called reality shows.

I'm not a massive Weatherly fan, although I quite like him as an actor. I've started watching this with a open mind and have been pleasantly impressed so far.

Are there things they could do better? Sure.

NCIS' style wasn't fully formed in the first couple of episodes and their stories or dialog aren't all that impressive at times, yet we're on season 14.

You have a Life?
Well make the most of it; you never know when it might be gone.


Are you starting out comparing this show with reality shows?  Actually, the NCIS premiere episode was awesome. Remember who started NCIS? Not the same group involved with Bull. If you have time, go back and watch episode 2 just for the dialogue. However, your point is well taken and I continue to watch. Very few new shows have nine lives like this one, so I have hope.


I take your point about NCIS finding its feet later than the first two eps, however shows these days have to find their feet fast or they're chopped liver by Christmas.

The premise is smart, but the psychology seems too slick and reads on the jurors a little too caricatured. Shows like "Lie to Me" have a hook, so far "Bull" doesn't. The teamwork is supposed to be set, we were presented a going concern in Bull's little company of misfits, but it might have been smarter to start from scratch and develop Bull's story and philosophy at the beginning to get the audience rooting for the show.

I'm not going to predict whether this show tanks by mid-season; like most I have my own biases and my predictions only pan out 50/50 on a good day, but personally if this show doesn't start getting its mojo on it's not going to last.


Should NBC be worried that the critics' darling This Is Us was also down 12%?


that show to feel good for me. I liked it but couldn't imagine me watching constantly most likely will eventually fall of the list

**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**



It is down the typical percentage of a premiere to a second episode, just as nearly every other show is. This is Us and NCIS had similar drops in percentage points - or does that not suit your agenda?

The suits are thrilled with Bull's performance thus far. It beat NCIS in +7 audience, as well as other metrics, topping out as one of the most watched shows in premiere week.

As MW pointed out with a hysterical citation, reviews mean very little. NCIS had middling reviews, including getting slammed by some of the same reviewers who are giving Bull no credit. We saw how that worked out...

"Tell me you've got something better than agitated nuns." - Gibbs


If that is the case they should worry about NCIS. The premiere had it's lowest amount of viewers in 8 years and by almost 2,000,000 viewers. First time since season 6 the premiere was below 18 milion and only once in that stretch did they dip below 19 million viewers.
