Treading water

I'm sorry but there's been no real progression of the story in my opinion. I loved the first season but season two seems to be just going back over stuff that's already been told. They wasted a few episodes of her in an empty building and it was quite obvious she was going to be recaptured. I think they're out of ideas now that they've exhausted the stuff from the book.

Also the extra three episode season is filler friendly. Oh and heavy handed attempts at getting the LGBT community outraged at Gilead as well as women.


I also didn't get the point of the guy telling Ofred/June to chop her hair off. She only cut the bottom and she still looked exactly the same afterward.


it was supposed to be for disguise until she got to the newspaper building. When we saw her again, it had grown back out because she was there for several months.


Too many flashbacks. Starting to feel like Lost.
