
Just finished binge watching The Good Wife, which I loved. So I am trying this show out and its pretty lame. Lockhart was a good side character but she can't carry the show. Also putting her in a situation similar to Alicia's in which she has to start all over again is uninspired. And the SJW slanted narrative is a real turn off.

I'd have preferred a spin-off centered around Denis O'Hares character Judge Abernathy. He's fun.


Have you watched all of Season 1 of TGF? I found it got much better as the season went on (I think it's about 10 episodes). I also find Season 2 to be quite good so far. The King's still have a knack for developing characters and great story lines.


I've seen every episode so far, yes. Its ok. Some of it is still pretty cringey.


I've watched it all too and I'm sick and tired of the Trump stuff.

I'm no real fan of the man but if you want to push a political agenda, go and do it on a politics show.

I quite liked The Good Wife and enjoy a court room drama procedural. They're pushing far too much of the real life political side of it all and it's got nothing to do with the characters.

I enjoyed Diane and her ex-husbands differing political views and the edge that brought to the show. This stuff though...bleugh...get over it.


The real life political side has everything to do with it. We live in a time where a sitting President is out to destroy our judicial system. He attacks the DoJ on a daily basis, trying to rip our legal system to shreds. He believes he’s above the law.

This well written show is incorporating all of this in big stories as well as smaller ones, living up to its title.


Not in how they're going about it.

If they were particularly focusing on the legal / political aspect of it, I could understand.

As it is, it's nothing more than "Urgh Trump, isn't he just the WORST?" stuff with the couple dancing with the masks on across from Diane's office etc

The writers clearly don't like him. Fine. Deal with it in a legal aspect then, not the silly childish way that is a character assassination without the merits of really debating the finer points. It's the exact same schtick as he uses with name calling and almost pre-pubescent levels of debate.

This show was always about the courtroom, with an aside to Alicia and Peter in politics. Neither of those two are in the show any more (though they're clearly trying to recreated the success with Luca and Colin) and it's losing sight of the legal drama.

I'll maybe go and rewatch LA Law instead.


and with that the best episode of the series was no.11 which was specifically focused on the court room and legal loopholes each department (state v federal) faces in dealing with cases.
