I've finished it!

On my birthday, of all the days.


Cool but it doesn't exactly sound like a ringing endorsement if it's that short haha. So what did you think of the game? I'm thinking of buying a PS4 just to play it as I was a huge fan of the first installment.


It's certainly not short. It's campaign is around 60 hours in length! I just put a lot of time into completing it.
It's great! In many ways better than the original game.


That's awesome. Is the main campaign linear or does it offer branching choices based on player decisions?


It does offer you choices, but they don't drastically change the narrative like in a game such as Heavy Rain. The honour system does affect the storyline this time around, which is a nice touch.


Cool. Can you give one example/spoiler of the honor system affecting the storyline?


You can get a slightly different ending, depending on how honourable or dishonourable you are.


Should I partake


That's up to you. You either need a PS4 or Xbox One to be able to play it. It may be coming to PC later on, but I couldn't say when. If you like western themed video games, it is a must play.


Lol I have a PS4 and loved the first red dead. That’s why I was asking


Great! It is definitely an improvement from the first game in many ways.


Looking forward to it. Just got the new nhl and wwe games
