MovieChat Forums > Calibre (2018) Discussion > The fact that Vaughn survives instead of...

The fact that Vaughn survives instead of Marcus

Your thoughts?

I understand that Marcus killed the father and masterminded the coverup. So it’s easier to see him as the bad one.

But recall -

1). After Vaughn made the accidental kill, he questionably runs towards the boy’s body, despite Marcus’s telling him no (which is correct, since the boy wouldn’t be in the woods all alone). If Vaughn has not ran towards the body, they wouldn’t have ran into the father (and had to kill him). Say they don’t run into the father. They then could have went back to the town, called the police, and taken their chances with one manslaughter.

2). Marcus kills the boy’s father only because the boy’s father was going to kill Vaughn. And again, the only reason they got into situation is because Vaughn stupidly ran towards the body. Marcus was just protecting his friend, preventing one murder by committing one.

3). Marcus was the more level-headed, intelligent one; so he was more likeable. Vaughn was throwing up, crying, and just going along with what Marcus proposed. The fact that Vaughn, the sissy, survives is more of a disgrace than a victory.


It wasn't murder that Marcus has committed. The guy literally picked up the gun and was going to kill Vaughn...


From a cold analytical perspective, fair enough.

However having just accidentally shot a child most of us are going to go and check rather than instantly calculate and assess how we can get away with it.


They didn't know for sure the kid was dead until Vaughn checked him. If they had just left, they'd have to carry the guilt of not knowing whether they could have saved his life. And at the manslaughter trial, the fact that they had been so callous would have been used against Vaughn, resulting in a longer sentence.
