MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > If you keep your expectations low

If you keep your expectations low

If you keep your expectations low, and I mean low like an inch above the floor low, then you will have a good time and enjoy the film!!


Sharknado low?


Lower!! 😀


You can't get lower than rock bottom lol


I'd say the sfx were well done - and the acting wasn't bad, to a point. And it was nice seeing Sarah Connor back in action, even if she did turn into an unrealistic terminator killing machine. The ending though - hinting at a sequel where the two chicks will create an army to fight the machines.... I'd have given this film a higher rating if it had a definitive ending, where all of the main characters die and the future looks bleak - otherwise, it looks like a cash-in hinting at future cash-ins later down the road. I fear Cameron is taking the Ridley Scott path - making horrible sequels.

It's disappointing, because at one point, Cameron was a master of sequels - where they often surpassed the originals. Now.... they are so bad, that they seem almost like a parody.


I know, it doesn't sound like Sarah goes out in a blaze of glory which would be a fitting ending for her character. She deserves a spectacular death and unfortunately that doesn't happen and the wrong major character dies.
