MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > They should have made a T2 sequel as jus...

They should have made a T2 sequel as just John and Sarah living their lives on

Running form authorities... No new Terminators, no more time travel...That's how a proper T2 sequel would have been realistic.

Also a new Terminator arm is found in the steel factory and the authorities are confused because its identical to the one from Cyberdyne. They could have still made an interesting movie out of it.


That's how the franchise could have avoided of using this old tired formula. Most Terminator fans are now in their late 30s early 40s and don't just want dumb action. It would have likely made less money not featuring cool new Terminators but it would have also cost less.


that wouldn't feel like a sequel to me, more like a prolongued epilogue / spin off.

they should have done a future war movie... like 'salvation' but done right, helmed by a visionary (if not james cameron himself, then maybe christopher nolan, denis villeneuve...). the problem with the terminator franchise is that they keep hiring "studio tools" instead of great directors.


I agree - Salvation was going the right direction, just went off track.

All of the good directing in the world won't help if the story line and writing are bad.


I'm in the minority as liking this. The action pieces were solid and the story was different than every other one in the series which re-play the same "killer robot from the future arrives in the present to kill someone" plot.

Where it went wrong I think is that it became more famous as being the movie where Bale lost his s**t on set.

Also, thanks to the Internet, plot leaks forced them to re-write the final act. Originally, it was going to turn out that John Connor ended up as a cyborg. That bit was then worked into the awful Genisys storyline.


Agree with you about Salvation - It had the most original story line and it's too bad they didn't continue that trilogy because that would have given the fans what they wanted. I especially liked when John finds and saves Kyle. I have never been a fan of turning John into anything other than human or a hero. The "let's get creative with John" idea is just plain bad. At some point he should have died a spectacular death - just like I think Sarah should have.

At the end of the day, the main problem I have with DF is it's really just the same story as we've had in 3 movies - a terminator is sent back from the future to kill someone along with a protector. If it was necessary to the story to kill John,(which I don't believe it was), then for god's sake come up with something original.


Also a new Terminator arm is found in the steel factory and the authorities are confused because its identical to the one from Cyberdyne.
I don't get how so many people don't even pay enough attention to T2. The arm he lost got crushed beyond recognition. It was not at all like the arm from the first film which was mostly intact thanks to it mainly being outside the Hydrolic press. If you can't take my word for it, just watch the freaking movie and pay close attention! Seriously people went on about how that arm could be used to start judgement Day again on the Terminator 2 board and anytime I said this they'd tell me I was wrong. Seriously. Watch the scene where he removes his arm from that machine in T2. It's crushed beyond recognition.


Years ago I read a very detailed fan fiction about the T-800 in the 1880’s wild west, where he is sent by accident due to some sort of Skynet miscalculation. He became some sort of unstoppable bounty hunter and even befriended Sarah Connor’s ancestors, becoming an accidental hero in the process. It sounded a bit too ridiculous at first, but the way it was written was quite convincing and I think it would’ve turned out well.


Cowboys & Terminators?
Cool. I dig it.


I said a long time ago this is how things should have panned out:

- The first film should have been exactly as it was

- The second film I would not have made too many changes except cast Michael Biehn as the T-1000 as it was originally supposed to be and not make it obvious who is good and who is bad at first. The shootout in the mall is the moment where we are like "oh sh!t, role reversal". Then at the end during the Cyberdyne attack Dyson realizes that there is no stopping Skynet from going online, it's too late, he tells the other 3 to get to this Cyberdyne factory and then dies. The heroes think it's the system core (I am incorporating the ending of T3 into this). Then there is a chase with the T-1000 and things pretty much pan out like they do in the original but Sarah dies defending John, then the T-800 defeats the T-1000 but is heavily damaged, then they both travel down to what they think is the system core but it's as it was in T3, a fallout shelter. The T-800 powers down due to damage and John is left alone as the bombs fall

- T3 is then kind of like TSalvation just doesn't suck, it's about John leading the resistance against the machines and eventually ends with their victory. In a desperate move Skynet sends a terminator back in time to kill John Conner and John sends Kyle Reese to intercept. We then see a white light as the movie ends and the entire chain of events starts over.


Yeah I thought that was how it would of went too even with salvation sequels if they continued it the third salvation movie would of introduced the time machine


I agree showing how they recruit people to the resistance for the comming war to be ready like the Logan movie of the X-Men films as it where
