MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > stuff you were expecting...vs what we g...

stuff you were expecting...vs what we got

I only watched the teaser trailer so wasn't spoiled too much before seeing the movie. think I was only tripped up by a couple things online as id recently discovered the Mute and Unfollow buttons on social media so was able to block out all those film journos and their websites that I follow on Twitter that like to spoil evvvvvvery little detail before the films released cuz they already seen it or they read the plot and want to tell evvvvverryone all the spoilers (or at least like to make hints that spoil the surprises anyway) - but remember that Daily Mail published an article headline something like 'Linda Hamilton didn't want to do anymore after this but fears she might have to' (therefore heavily suggesting she would make it out alive) oh and someone on here posted JOHN CONNER DIES as a title thread a few weeks ago...(but I think everyone kind of knew that anyway going in)

anyway I went in with some questions:

-T800 why looks like Arnold (no explanation. im ok with it being left a mystery. pls no mention Sgt Candy)

-how is there another T800? or is this Arnold the human the T800 is based on..? (id avoided the big trailers so wasn't sure if Arnold was going to be a human or not)

-if Arnold is a T800 is it somehow Uncle Bob from T2? similar to Pops in TG (nope it was another one sent to 98)

-will we see another bad T800? (yes in the opening..which was kind of like the ultimate nightmare of what could happen in T1/2 come true)

-Future War scenes be like T1/2 ethereal blu night nuclear battle fields with purple plasma fire? which we hadn't even seen since T2 as the T3 CG T800s scene felt like it was from a video game or SyFy movie, and although the time chamber set of TG was pretty cool the bright pink laser battle in the Twin Pine Mall parking lot with CG transforminator wasn't very good - (sort of but it was the WW2 beach/Private Ryan stuff, but cool to see proper terminator tech/endos from those movies instead of the stuff of 3/4/5. The new 'Legion' war was pretty interesting to see bit like Edge of Tomorrow. - no doubt it was influenced by that movie)

-alt timelines/what happens to T345? (well T3 and 4 were wiped completely as no john/skynet. but I guess TG can sort of still exist the way Star Trek 2009 did. even though it pretty much wiped T1/2 lol. But there was absolutely no reference to 345 at all in DF, not even a line to suggest other realities might've happened. It literally acted like a long belated T3)

-if Furlong is cameoing what about Biehn or RPatrick? Or even Loken? (no, no and no)

Anyone else go in with some burning Terminator questions they'd always had in back of their mind cultivated from endless years of being a fan reading the comics, novels, discarded movie treatments?


Anyone else go in with some burning Terminator questions they'd always had in back of their mind cultivated from endless years of being a fan reading the comics, novels, discarded movie treatments?


I guess not


why exactly did skynet hate humans that much.

And once skynet had defeated the humans what would skynet and the terminator do all day? sit around knitting, or just bask in their glory? what exactly would they do and why.


Did terminators only exist in the US? Was all of the human race destroyed worldwide except for a few pockets of survivors in the states or were there places where people survived the nuclear holocaust where there weren't any terminators?


there was a rumour i read a while back somewhere either to do with Genisys or DF that mightve even been something Cameron came up with - that the central twist would be skynet would be revealed to be human programmed (i.e. humans programmed skynet to wipe out humanity but i cant recall what the reasons were behind it..mightve been to do with trying to correct the timeline...or maybe it was Skynet was trying to protect humanity and the best way it thought of doing this was to wipe us out..i cant remember which it was) i kind of remember half expecting something like that to be in DF as well esp as Cameron was involved


right....... only possible explanation, why would a robot/terminator want to kill humans just randomly, there has to be some human behind it.

still, imagne skynet won, terminators would pass the time how?
talking about old times, LOL

they are robots, and Skynet is what? artificial intelligence ?

after they won, then what?
they live forever right?, will get a bit boring LOL


> why would a robot/terminator want to kill humans just randomly

to cleanse the planet, like Ultron from the Avengers.

If Skynet is self-aware.. and curious, it might explore the universe, and cleanse other planets while it's at it lol.
