MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > When will people realise the Terminator ...

When will people realise the Terminator story never has been about Sarah Connor? It was always the story of John and always will be.

I've been reading comments from people on various sites where they say that Terminator was always Sarah's story. I personally disagree and this is why...

1. There is obviously some sort of conscious or subconscious reference to Jesus Christ in the first two Terminator movies. Both John and Jesus, whose initials are both "J.C" were conceived in a mysterious/unexplainable/irrational manner. Both JC's were public enemies, one being the Roman Empire and one being SkyNet.

2. Another biblical reference is the prophecy of both these men. One being prophesized to bring peace and love and die for the sins of mankind (my religious teachings are a bit dusty but it's something to this degree) and one being prophesized to rescue humanity from complete extinction and defeat at the hands of the machines. In Salvation, in the intro, it blatantly states that some viewed Connor as a fraud and some a prophet as he was able to predict what would eventually happen.

3. In Terminator 1, Sarah Connor is just like Mother Mary - the innocent/virgin like lady who gives birth to possibly the most important man in history. But who is more important? The woman who gives birth to the important man or the important man himself? Who do we recognize more in culture; Mother Mary or Jesus Christ?
Off course without Mary there could be no Jesus, just as there could be no John without Sarah. However, Sarah, in my opinion was temporarily important. She was important before she conceived John, as depicted by the T800 relentlessly trying to kill her. However, she was never going to be the one who led humanity to war against the machines. John, although never shown in Terminator 1, was very important. His story was told through Kyle Reese and we got an understanding of just how important he would become. Sarah only had to live long enough for her son to be born. Her son just had to live.

4. In Terminator 2, Sarah is IRRELEVANT. In fact, the T1000 doesn't even care about Sarah until he realises that impersonating her would be a tactical advantage all in an effort to kill JOHN. Terminator 2 was all about John; a T800 being sent back to protect him and a T1000 being sent back to kill him. Sarah involved herself between the T1000 and it's target; this is why the T1000 is often seen trying to kill her (for example, the helicopter and SWAT truck chase etc)

5. Tim Miller should be heavily ignored. If I recall correctly, the idiot has stated that Terminator is all about Sarah - that's nonsense as i have just given four reasons why it isn't all about her. She is just half of the same coin as John at most. It was always about John Connor and it always will be. The only reason Hamilton was brought back in TDF wasn't because it is "Sarah's story" (which actually ended arguably at the end of T1 definitively), but because they needed her back to get the nostalgia driven fans into the cinema seats. "Ooooh Linda is back! Arnold is back! Furlong is back! Shit! It's just like T2!!!!!"

If anything else pops in my mind about how Terminator has never been about Sarah, I will add a numeric point!

Thanks for reading.


Kyle Reese in dream sequence even says: john is the target now you have to protect him! He is definitely the main part of the lore and even rise of the machines honors that getting him to the bunker safe in the end to insure he is safe to lead the resistance thus stopping the time travel plans of Skynet


Good point, completely forgot about the Kyle dream sequence.



No problem ive put a few posts up trying to explain how important john is to the lore and killing him was an outrage to the fans of the other movies I even did not mind him being turned into a terminator in Genisys as skynets next move was smart: john is now skynets hope not humanitys and at the end of that it made sense to kill him


You are correct about #5. I have admitted the primary reason for me still wanting to see this mess is because Linda is in it.


Her acting was good but that's about it. Her character felt different, and not in a good way.


Agree - she did the best with what she had to work with, but the writing for her part was terrible. They totally destroyed the character and turned what I consider to be one of the very best heroes - male or female of all times - into someone I really didn't recognize, ( and I'm not talking about her age or physical appearance), who apparently kills Terminators sent from a future that never happened as a hobby. Let's see - Monday, hang out with my military buddies, Tuesday, go shopping for some new camouflage outfits, Wednesday, buy a new bazooka, Thursday - check text messages, Friday - go kill a terminator. Weekend - get drunk.

Where was the Sarah who would have been over the top intense after John's death even after 20+ years? Was it even reasonable to think she would still be alive? What did she have left to live for?

This movie was wrong on so many levels, but Sarah was what really pissed me off.


Yeah I get it. Texting , hunting and then drinking.

If Judgement Day had been prevented thanks to destroying Cyberdyne, then Sarah would have probably killed herself eventually.

I mean I can see why Sarah didn't kill herself because maybe she felt it was her duty to destroy all other terminators so their tech didn't go in the wrong hands.

The way she carried on was strange though - she should have been borderline insane/violent. That's how I would have logically continued her character arc. And I would have kept John Connor alive somehow. And I would have changed 90 percent of the story in DF! Lol



Agreed 10,000%!

You are particularly right about #5, where Hamilton was brought back because of Grrrl Power! These SJW bastards have been pushing male and female buttons for years now, getting on all our nerves because they're insecure snowflakes, and they have the AUDACITY to kill off THE main character of the Terminator franchise?? If John Connor is Jesus Christ, then I certainly don't remember Jesus coming back as a female when he rose again after his death!

General moviegoers are sick of this crap in movies these days, and the heinous murder of JC was the last straw that broke the camel's back for this franchise. I'm GLAD that this movie FLOPPED MASSIVELY! Let it rest in peace!


I'm so glad this movie flopped too. Especially because those bastards don't get much money from ticket sales. And also maybe Arnold will finally get the hint and piss off once and for all as the robot.

An epic loss of epic proportions.


I think the people who are saying the movies are about Sarah are the ones that are attempting to rationalize the wokeness of the movie by undermining the significance of John Connor. Its undeniable that T2 was all about John and his relationship with the T800.


Yeah. Once I heard they killed off John Connor, I had no interest in this movie. I somehow missed Edward Furlong was back but it was stupid cast him at all since everyone knows he has too many physical problems now to be a leading role in an action film.


Well, we all heard the rumors about John for months and months, but I thought when it was announced at Comic Com last summer, that Eddie would be back, they suddenly woke up - no pun intended, and decided that it was a bad move to kill him and changed the story line.
